path: root/mod_ly
diff options
authorWeitian LI <liweitianux@gmail.com>2014-06-18 22:20:59 +0800
committerWeitian LI <liweitianux@gmail.com>2014-06-18 22:20:59 +0800
commite3923265d0d6949407a83726e9a9bd5d97079221 (patch)
tree9afd8520595f4cf80815b9bccfc3dcf2879ebe47 /mod_ly
Initial commit
Added files: * mass_profile: developed by Junhua GU, modified by Weitian LI * opt_utilities: developed by Junhua GU * tools/cosmo_calc: originated from 'calc_distance', modified * scripts: scripts used to process Chandra ACIS data * files: useful files used in processing * HOWTO_chandra_acis_process.txt * README.md
Diffstat (limited to 'mod_ly')
24 files changed, 2714 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc.sh b/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7dc1a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# unalias -a
+## Task: ##
+## Calc `cooling function' data according to ##
+## given `temperature profile' ##
+## ##
+## NOTE: ##
+## given `tprofile': <radius> <temperature> ##
+## calc `cooling function' by invoking `XSPEC' ##
+## using model `wabs*apec' ##
+## ##
+## LIweitiaNux <liweitianux@gmail.com> ##
+## August 17, 2012 ##
+## cmdline arguments {{{
+if [ $# -ne 5 ]; then
+ printf "usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <tprofile> <avg_abund> <nH> <redshift> <coolfunc_outfile>\n"
+ exit 1
+base_path=`dirname $0`
+NORM=`$base_path/calc_distance $REDSHIFT|grep norm|awk '{print $2}'`
+echo $NORM
+if [ ! -r "${TPROFILE}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: given tprofile '${TPROFILE}' NOT accessiable\n"
+ exit 2
+[ -e "${COOLFUNC_DAT}" ] && rm -f ${COOLFUNC_DAT}
+## arguments }}}
+## specify variable name outside while loop
+## otherwise the inside vars invisible
+[ -e "${XSPEC_CF_XCM}" ] && rm -f ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+## generate xspec script {{{
+cat >> ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} << _EOF_
+## XSPEC Tcl script
+## calc cooling function data
+## generated by: `basename $0`
+## date: `date`
+set xs_return_results 1
+set xs_echo_script 0
+# set tcl_precision 12
+dummyrsp .01 100 4096
+## set basic data {{{
+set nh ${N_H}
+set redshift ${REDSHIFT}
+set abund_val ${ABUND_VAL}
+set norm ${NORM}
+## basic }}}
+## xspec related {{{
+# debug settings {{{
+chatter 0
+# debug }}}
+query yes
+abund grsa
+dummyrsp 0.3 11.0 1024
+# load model 'wabs*apec' to calc cooling function
+model wabs*apec & \${nh} & 1.0 & \${abund_val} & \${redshift} & \${norm} & /*
+## xspec }}}
+## set input and output filename
+set tpro_fn "${TPROFILE}"
+set cf_fn "${COOLFUNC_DAT}"
+set cff_fn "${COOLFUNC_DAT_RATIO}"
+if { [ file exists \${cf_fn} ] } {
+ exec rm -fv \${cf_fn}
+if { [ file exists \${cff_fn} ] } {
+ exec rm -fv \${cff_fn}
+## open files
+set tpro_fd [ open \${tpro_fn} r ]
+set cf_fd [ open \${cf_fn} w ]
+set cff_fd [ open \${cff_fn} w ]
+## read data from tprofile line by line
+while { [ gets \${tpro_fd} tpro_line ] != -1 } {
+ # gets one line
+ scan \${tpro_line} "%f %f" radius temp_val
+ #puts "radius: \${radius}, temperature: \${temp_val}"
+ # set temperature value
+ newpar 2 \${temp_val}
+ # calc flux & tclout
+ flux 0.7 7.0
+ tclout flux 1
+ scan \${xspec_tclout} "%f %f %f %f" holder holder holder cf_data
+ #puts "cf_data: \${cf_data}"
+ puts \${cf_fd} "\${radius} \${cf_data}"
+ flux 0.1 2.4
+ tclout flux 1
+ scan \${xspec_tclout} "%f %f %f %f" cff_data holder holder holder
+ puts \${cff_fd} "\${radius} [expr \${cff_data}/\${cf_data}]"
+## close opened files
+close \${tpro_fd}
+close \${cf_fd}
+close \${cff_fd}
+## exit
+## extract xcm }}}
+## invoke xspec to calc
+printf "invoking XSPEC to calculate cooling function data ...\n"
+# xspec - ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+xspec - ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} > /dev/null
+## clean
+# if [ -e "${XSPEC_CF_XCM}" ]; then
+# rm -f ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+# fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc_rs.sh b/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc_rs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..262e8ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc_rs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# unalias -a
+## Task: ##
+## Calc `cooling function' data according to ##
+## given `temperature profile' ##
+## ##
+## NOTE: ##
+## given `tprofile': <radius> <temperature> ##
+## calc `cooling function' by invoking `XSPEC' ##
+## using model `wabs*apec' ##
+## ##
+## LIweitiaNux <liweitianux@gmail.com> ##
+## August 17, 2012 ##
+## cmdline arguments {{{
+if [ $# -ne 5 ]; then
+ printf "usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <tprofile> <avg_abund> <nH> <redshift> <coolfunc_outfile>\n"
+ exit 1
+base_path=`dirname $0`
+NORM=`$base_path/calc_distance $REDSHIFT|grep norm|awk '{print $2}'`
+echo $NORM
+if [ ! -r "${TPROFILE}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: given tprofile '${TPROFILE}' NOT accessiable\n"
+ exit 2
+[ -e "${COOLFUNC_DAT}" ] && rm -f ${COOLFUNC_DAT}
+## arguments }}}
+## specify variable name outside while loop
+## otherwise the inside vars invisible
+[ -e "${XSPEC_CF_XCM}" ] && rm -f ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+## generate xspec script {{{
+cat >> ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} << _EOF_
+## XSPEC Tcl script
+## calc cooling function data
+## generated by: `basename $0`
+## date: `date`
+set xs_return_results 1
+set xs_echo_script 0
+# set tcl_precision 12
+dummyrsp .01 100 4096
+## set basic data {{{
+set nh ${N_H}
+set redshift ${REDSHIFT}
+set abund_val ${ABUND_VAL}
+set norm ${NORM}
+## basic }}}
+## xspec related {{{
+# debug settings {{{
+chatter 0
+# debug }}}
+query yes
+abund grsa
+dummyrsp 0.3 11.0 1024
+# # load model 'wabs*apec' to calc cooling function
+# model wabs*apec & \${nh} & 1.0 & \${abund_val} & \${redshift} & \${norm} & /*
+# model 'wabs*raymond'
+model wabs*raymond & \${nh} & 1.0 & \${abund_val} & \${redshift} & \${norm} & /*
+## xspec }}}
+## set input and output filename
+set tpro_fn "${TPROFILE}"
+set cf_fn "${COOLFUNC_DAT}"
+set cff_fn "${COOLFUNC_DAT_RATIO}"
+if { [ file exists \${cf_fn} ] } {
+ exec rm -fv \${cf_fn}
+if { [ file exists \${cff_fn} ] } {
+ exec rm -fv \${cff_fn}
+## open files
+set tpro_fd [ open \${tpro_fn} r ]
+set cf_fd [ open \${cf_fn} w ]
+set cff_fd [ open \${cff_fn} w ]
+## read data from tprofile line by line
+while { [ gets \${tpro_fd} tpro_line ] != -1 } {
+ # gets one line
+ scan \${tpro_line} "%f %f" radius temp_val
+ #puts "radius: \${radius}, temperature: \${temp_val}"
+ # set temperature value
+ newpar 2 \${temp_val}
+ # calc flux & tclout
+ flux 0.7 7.0
+ tclout flux 1
+ scan \${xspec_tclout} "%f %f %f %f" holder holder holder cf_data
+ #puts "cf_data: \${cf_data}"
+ puts \${cf_fd} "\${radius} \${cf_data}"
+ flux 0.1 2.4
+ tclout flux 1
+ scan \${xspec_tclout} "%f %f %f %f" cff_data holder holder holder
+ puts \${cff_fd} "\${radius} [expr \${cff_data}/\${cf_data}]"
+## close opened files
+close \${tpro_fd}
+close \${cf_fd}
+close \${cff_fd}
+## exit
+## extract xcm }}}
+## invoke xspec to calc
+printf "invoking XSPEC to calculate cooling function data ...\n"
+# xspec - ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+xspec - ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} > /dev/null
+## clean
+# if [ -e "${XSPEC_CF_XCM}" ]; then
+# rm -f ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+# fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.5-2_calc.sh b/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.5-2_calc.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..889a4e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.5-2_calc.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# unalias -a
+## Task: ##
+## Calc `cooling function' data according to ##
+## given `temperature profile' ##
+## ##
+## NOTE: ##
+## given `tprofile': <radius> <temperature> ##
+## calc `cooling function' by invoking `XSPEC' ##
+## using model `wabs*apec' ##
+## ##
+## LIweitiaNux <liweitianux@gmail.com> ##
+## August 17, 2012 ##
+## cmdline arguments {{{
+if [ $# -ne 5 ]; then
+ printf "usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <tprofile> <avg_abund> <nH> <redshift> <coolfunc_outfile>\n"
+ exit 1
+base_path=`dirname $0`
+NORM=`$base_path/calc_distance $REDSHIFT|grep norm|awk '{print $2}'`
+echo $NORM
+if [ ! -r "${TPROFILE}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: given tprofile '${TPROFILE}' NOT accessiable\n"
+ exit 2
+[ -e "${COOLFUNC_DAT}" ] && rm -f ${COOLFUNC_DAT}
+## arguments }}}
+## specify variable name outside while loop
+## otherwise the inside vars invisible
+[ -e "${XSPEC_CF_XCM}" ] && rm -f ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+## generate xspec script {{{
+cat >> ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} << _EOF_
+## XSPEC Tcl script
+## calc cooling function data
+## generated by: `basename $0`
+## date: `date`
+set xs_return_results 1
+set xs_echo_script 0
+# set tcl_precision 12
+dummyrsp .01 100 4096
+## set basic data {{{
+set nh ${N_H}
+set redshift ${REDSHIFT}
+set abund_val ${ABUND_VAL}
+set norm ${NORM}
+## basic }}}
+## xspec related {{{
+# debug settings {{{
+chatter 0
+# debug }}}
+query yes
+abund grsa
+dummyrsp 0.3 11.0 1024
+# load model 'wabs*apec' to calc cooling function
+model wabs*apec & \${nh} & 1.0 & \${abund_val} & \${redshift} & \${norm} & /*
+## xspec }}}
+## set input and output filename
+set tpro_fn "${TPROFILE}"
+set cf_fn "${COOLFUNC_DAT}"
+set cff_fn "${COOLFUNC_DAT_RATIO}"
+if { [ file exists \${cf_fn} ] } {
+ exec rm -fv \${cf_fn}
+if { [ file exists \${cff_fn} ] } {
+ exec rm -fv \${cff_fn}
+## open files
+set tpro_fd [ open \${tpro_fn} r ]
+set cf_fd [ open \${cf_fn} w ]
+set cff_fd [ open \${cff_fn} w ]
+## read data from tprofile line by line
+while { [ gets \${tpro_fd} tpro_line ] != -1 } {
+ # gets one line
+ scan \${tpro_line} "%f %f" radius temp_val
+ #puts "radius: \${radius}, temperature: \${temp_val}"
+ # set temperature value
+ newpar 2 \${temp_val}
+ # calc flux & tclout
+ flux 0.7 7.0
+ tclout flux 1
+ scan \${xspec_tclout} "%f %f %f %f" holder holder holder cf_data
+ #puts "cf_data: \${cf_data}"
+ puts \${cf_fd} "\${radius} \${cf_data}"
+ flux 0.5 2.0
+ tclout flux 1
+ scan \${xspec_tclout} "%f %f %f %f" cff_data holder holder holder
+ puts \${cff_fd} "\${radius} [expr \${cff_data}/\${cf_data}]"
+## close opened files
+close \${tpro_fd}
+close \${cf_fd}
+close \${cff_fd}
+## exit
+## extract xcm }}}
+## invoke xspec to calc
+printf "invoking XSPEC to calculate cooling function data ...\n"
+# xspec - ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+xspec - ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} > /dev/null
+## clean
+# if [ -e "${XSPEC_CF_XCM}" ]; then
+# rm -f ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+# fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.5-2_calc_rs.sh b/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.5-2_calc_rs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d8933b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/coolfunc_0.5-2_calc_rs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+# unalias -a
+## Task: ##
+## Calc `cooling function' data according to ##
+## given `temperature profile' ##
+## ##
+## NOTE: ##
+## given `tprofile': <radius> <temperature> ##
+## calc `cooling function' by invoking `XSPEC' ##
+## using model `wabs*apec' ##
+## ##
+## LIweitiaNux <liweitianux@gmail.com> ##
+## August 17, 2012 ##
+## cmdline arguments {{{
+if [ $# -ne 5 ]; then
+ printf "usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <tprofile> <avg_abund> <nH> <redshift> <coolfunc_outfile>\n"
+ exit 1
+base_path=`dirname $0`
+NORM=`$base_path/calc_distance $REDSHIFT|grep norm|awk '{print $2}'`
+echo $NORM
+if [ ! -r "${TPROFILE}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: given tprofile '${TPROFILE}' NOT accessiable\n"
+ exit 2
+[ -e "${COOLFUNC_DAT}" ] && rm -f ${COOLFUNC_DAT}
+## arguments }}}
+## specify variable name outside while loop
+## otherwise the inside vars invisible
+[ -e "${XSPEC_CF_XCM}" ] && rm -f ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+## generate xspec script {{{
+cat >> ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} << _EOF_
+## XSPEC Tcl script
+## calc cooling function data
+## generated by: `basename $0`
+## date: `date`
+set xs_return_results 1
+set xs_echo_script 0
+# set tcl_precision 12
+dummyrsp .01 100 4096
+## set basic data {{{
+set nh ${N_H}
+set redshift ${REDSHIFT}
+set abund_val ${ABUND_VAL}
+set norm ${NORM}
+## basic }}}
+## xspec related {{{
+# debug settings {{{
+chatter 0
+# debug }}}
+query yes
+abund grsa
+dummyrsp 0.3 11.0 1024
+# # load model 'wabs*apec' to calc cooling function
+# model wabs*apec & \${nh} & 1.0 & \${abund_val} & \${redshift} & \${norm} & /*
+# model 'wabs*raymond'
+model wabs*raymond & \${nh} & 1.0 & \${abund_val} & \${redshift} & \${norm} & /*
+## xspec }}}
+## set input and output filename
+set tpro_fn "${TPROFILE}"
+set cf_fn "${COOLFUNC_DAT}"
+set cff_fn "${COOLFUNC_DAT_RATIO}"
+if { [ file exists \${cf_fn} ] } {
+ exec rm -fv \${cf_fn}
+if { [ file exists \${cff_fn} ] } {
+ exec rm -fv \${cff_fn}
+## open files
+set tpro_fd [ open \${tpro_fn} r ]
+set cf_fd [ open \${cf_fn} w ]
+set cff_fd [ open \${cff_fn} w ]
+## read data from tprofile line by line
+while { [ gets \${tpro_fd} tpro_line ] != -1 } {
+ # gets one line
+ scan \${tpro_line} "%f %f" radius temp_val
+ #puts "radius: \${radius}, temperature: \${temp_val}"
+ # set temperature value
+ newpar 2 \${temp_val}
+ # calc flux & tclout
+ flux 0.7 7.0
+ tclout flux 1
+ scan \${xspec_tclout} "%f %f %f %f" holder holder holder cf_data
+ #puts "cf_data: \${cf_data}"
+ puts \${cf_fd} "\${radius} \${cf_data}"
+ flux 0.5 2.0
+ tclout flux 1
+ scan \${xspec_tclout} "%f %f %f %f" cff_data holder holder holder
+ puts \${cff_fd} "\${radius} [expr \${cff_data}/\${cf_data}]"
+## close opened files
+close \${tpro_fd}
+close \${cf_fd}
+close \${cff_fd}
+## exit
+## extract xcm }}}
+## invoke xspec to calc
+printf "invoking XSPEC to calculate cooling function data ...\n"
+# xspec - ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+xspec - ${XSPEC_CF_XCM} > /dev/null
+## clean
+# if [ -e "${XSPEC_CF_XCM}" ]; then
+# rm -f ${XSPEC_CF_XCM}
+# fi
+exit 0
diff --git a/mod_ly/extract_tcool.py b/mod_ly/extract_tcool.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..05c836b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/extract_tcool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+for l in open('cooling_time.dat'):
+ r,t=l.split()
+ r=float(r)
+ t=float(t)
+ if r>rcool:
+ print("cooling time at %f kpc=%f Gyr"%(rcool,t))
+ print("rcool= %f kpc" % rcool)
+ print("cooling_time= %f Gyr @ %f kpc" % (t,rcool))
+ sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/mod_ly/fit_beta_nfw_mass_profile.sh b/mod_ly/fit_beta_nfw_mass_profile.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8da6070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/fit_beta_nfw_mass_profile.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# modified by LIweitaNux, 2012/09/06
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file> [c]"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+#initialize profile type name
+t_profile_type=`grep '^t_profile' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+printf "## t_profile_type: \`$t_profile_type'\n"
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+# cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+da=`python -c "print($cm_per_pixel/(.492/3600/180*3.1415926))"`
+dl=`python -c "print($da*(1+$z)**2)"`
+printf "da= ${da}\n"
+printf "dl= ${dl}\n"
+## sbp {{{
+sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+# mv -f _tmp_rsbp.txt ${radius_sbp_file}
+## sbp }}}
+# determine which temperature profile to be used, and fit the T profile {{{
+if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zyy_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zyy_dump.qdp zyy_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_m0603246 $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp m0603246_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_wang2012_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null | tee wang2012_center_param.txt
+ # mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ cp -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ T_file_center="wang2012_dump_center.qdp"
+ mv -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file_center}
+ mv -fv fit_result.qdp wang2012_fit_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_allen_model $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f allen_dump.qdp allen_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zzl_model $t_data_file $t_param_file
+ # mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zzl_dump.qdp zzl_dump_center.qdp
+ printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n"
+ exit 10
+# temp profile }}}
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc_bolo.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z cfunc_bolo.dat
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+# fit sbp
+$base_path/fit_beta_sbp $sbp_cfg 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv beta_param.txt beta_param_center.txt
+cat beta_param_center.txt
+mv -fv sbp_fit.qdp sbp_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.qdp rho_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.dat rho_fit_center.dat
+$base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat $z 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv nfw_param.txt nfw_param_center.txt
+mv -fv nfw_fit_result.qdp nfw_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv nfw_dump.qdp mass_int_center.qdp
+mv -fv overdensity.qdp overdensity_center.qdp
+mv -fv gas_mass_int.qdp gas_mass_int_center.qdp
+#exit 233
+## cooling time
+$base_path/cooling_time rho_fit_center.dat ${T_file_center} cfunc_bolo.dat $dl $cm_per_pixel > cooling_time.dat
+## radius to calculate tcool, not the cooling time!
+rcool=`$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c | grep '^r500' | awk -F "=" '{print .048*$2}'`
+printf "rcool= ${rcool}\n"
+## center value {{{
+if [ "${CENTER_VAL}" = "YES" ]; then
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 c
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c
+ $base_path/extract_tcool.py $rcool | tee cooling_time_result.txt
+ exit 0
+## center value }}}
+# clean previous files
+rm -f summary_shuffle_mass_profile.qdp
+rm -f summary_overdensity.qdp
+rm -f summary_mass_profile.qdp
+rm -f summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+## count
+#100 times of Monte-carlo simulation to determine error
+#just repeat above steps
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++ Monte Carlo +++++++++++++++++++++\n"
+for i in `seq 1 100`; do
+ # echo $t_data_file
+ $base_path/shuffle_T.py $t_data_file temp_shuffled_t.dat
+ $base_path/shuffle_sbp.py $sbp_data_file temp_shuffled_sbp.dat
+ # t_data_file=temp_shuffled_t.dat
+ if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zyy_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_m0603246 temp_shuffled_t.dat $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_wang2012_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null
+ mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_allen_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zzl_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file
+ mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ else
+ printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n"
+ exit 10
+ fi
+ : > temp_sbp.cfg
+ cat $sbp_cfg | while read l; do
+ if echo $l | grep -q 'sbp_file'; then
+ echo "sbp_file temp_shuffled_sbp.dat" >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ elif echo $l | grep -q 'T_file'; then
+ echo "T_file ${T_file}" >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ else
+ echo $l >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ fi
+ done
+ ## count
+ printf "## ${COUNT} ##\n"
+ COUNT=`expr ${COUNT} + 1`
+ printf "## `pwd` ##\n"
+ $base_path/coolfunc_calc.sh ${T_file} ${abund} ${nh} ${z} ${cfunc_file}
+ # single-beta model
+ $base_path/fit_beta_sbp temp_sbp.cfg 2> /dev/null
+ [ -r "beta_param.txt" ] && cat beta_param.txt
+ $base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat $z 2> /dev/null
+ cat nfw_dump.qdp >> summary_mass_profile.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_mass_profile.qdp
+ cat overdensity.qdp >> summary_overdensity.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_overdensity.qdp
+ cat gas_mass_int.qdp >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+done # end `while'
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++ Monte Carlo +++++++++++++++++++++\n"
+#analys the errors
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++ RESULTS (single-beta) +++++++++++++++\n"
+[ -e "${RESULT}" ] && mv -fv ${RESULT} ${RESULT}_bak
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 1500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 2500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+R200_VAL=`grep '^r200' ${RESULT} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+R500_VAL=`grep '^r500' ${RESULT} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+printf "\n## R200: ${R200_VAL}, R500: ${R500_VAL}\n"
+L200=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200_VAL} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500_VAL} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "L200= ${L200} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+printf "L500= ${L500} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/extract_tcool.py $rcool | tee cooling_time_result.txt
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/fit_beta_nfw_mass_profile2.sh b/mod_ly/fit_beta_nfw_mass_profile2.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..87f2b12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/fit_beta_nfw_mass_profile2.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# modified by LIweitaNux, 2012/09/06
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file> [c]"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+#initialize profile type name
+t_profile_type=`grep '^t_profile' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+printf "## t_profile_type: \`$t_profile_type'\n"
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+# cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+da=`python -c "print($cm_per_pixel/(.492/3600/180*3.1415926))"`
+dl=`python -c "print($da*(1+$z)**2)"`
+printf "da= ${da}\n"
+printf "dl= ${dl}\n"
+## sbp {{{
+sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+# mv -f _tmp_rsbp.txt ${radius_sbp_file}
+## sbp }}}
+# determine which temperature profile to be used, and fit the T profile {{{
+if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zyy_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zyy_dump.qdp zyy_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_m0603246 $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp m0603246_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_wang2012_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null | tee wang2012_center_param.txt
+ # mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ cp -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ T_file_center="wang2012_dump_center.qdp"
+ mv -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file_center}
+ mv -fv fit_result.qdp wang2012_fit_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_allen_model $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f allen_dump.qdp allen_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zzl_model $t_data_file $t_param_file
+ # mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zzl_dump.qdp zzl_dump_center.qdp
+ printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n"
+ exit 10
+# temp profile }}}
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc_bolo.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z cfunc_bolo.dat
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+# fit sbp
+$base_path/fit_beta_sbp2 $sbp_cfg 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv beta_param.txt beta_param_center.txt
+cat beta_param_center.txt
+mv -fv sbp_fit.qdp sbp_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.qdp rho_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.dat rho_fit_center.dat
+$base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat $z 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv nfw_param.txt nfw_param_center.txt
+mv -fv nfw_fit_result.qdp nfw_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv nfw_dump.qdp mass_int_center.qdp
+mv -fv overdensity.qdp overdensity_center.qdp
+mv -fv gas_mass_int.qdp gas_mass_int_center.qdp
+#exit 233
+## cooling time
+$base_path/cooling_time rho_fit_center.dat ${T_file_center} cfunc_bolo.dat $dl $cm_per_pixel > cooling_time.dat
+## radius to calculate tcool, not the cooling time!
+rcool=`$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c | grep '^r500' | awk -F "=" '{print .048*$2}'`
+printf "rcool= ${rcool}\n"
+## center value {{{
+if [ "${CENTER_VAL}" = "YES" ]; then
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 c
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c
+ $base_path/extract_tcool.py $rcool | tee cooling_time_result.txt
+ exit 0
+## center value }}}
+# clean previous files
+rm -f summary_shuffle_mass_profile.qdp
+rm -f summary_overdensity.qdp
+rm -f summary_mass_profile.qdp
+rm -f summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+## count
+#100 times of Monte-carlo simulation to determine error
+#just repeat above steps
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++ Monte Carlo +++++++++++++++++++++\n"
+for i in `seq 1 100`; do
+ # echo $t_data_file
+ $base_path/shuffle_T.py $t_data_file temp_shuffled_t.dat
+ $base_path/shuffle_sbp.py $sbp_data_file temp_shuffled_sbp.dat
+ # t_data_file=temp_shuffled_t.dat
+ if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zyy_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_m0603246 temp_shuffled_t.dat $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_wang2012_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null
+ mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_allen_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zzl_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file
+ mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ else
+ printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n"
+ exit 10
+ fi
+ : > temp_sbp.cfg
+ cat $sbp_cfg | while read l; do
+ if echo $l | grep -q 'sbp_file'; then
+ echo "sbp_file temp_shuffled_sbp.dat" >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ elif echo $l | grep -q 'T_file'; then
+ echo "T_file ${T_file}" >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ else
+ echo $l >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ fi
+ done
+ ## count
+ printf "## ${COUNT} ##\n"
+ COUNT=`expr ${COUNT} + 1`
+ printf "## `pwd` ##\n"
+ $base_path/coolfunc_calc.sh ${T_file} ${abund} ${nh} ${z} ${cfunc_file}
+ # single-beta model
+ $base_path/fit_beta_sbp2 temp_sbp.cfg 2> /dev/null
+ [ -r "beta_param.txt" ] && cat beta_param.txt
+ $base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat $z 2> /dev/null
+ cat nfw_dump.qdp >> summary_mass_profile.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_mass_profile.qdp
+ cat overdensity.qdp >> summary_overdensity.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_overdensity.qdp
+ cat gas_mass_int.qdp >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+done # end `while'
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++ Monte Carlo +++++++++++++++++++++\n"
+#analys the errors
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++ RESULTS (single-beta) +++++++++++++++\n"
+[ -e "${RESULT}" ] && mv -fv ${RESULT} ${RESULT}_bak
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 1500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 2500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+R200_VAL=`grep '^r200' ${RESULT} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+R500_VAL=`grep '^r500' ${RESULT} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+printf "\n## R200: ${R200_VAL}, R500: ${R500_VAL}\n"
+L200=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200_VAL} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500_VAL} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "L200= ${L200} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+printf "L500= ${L500} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/extract_tcool.py $rcool | tee cooling_time_result.txt
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/fit_beta_nfw_mass_profile_simple.sh b/mod_ly/fit_beta_nfw_mass_profile_simple.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dc4fd3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/fit_beta_nfw_mass_profile_simple.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# modified by LIweitaNux, 2012/09/06
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file> [c]"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+#initialize profile type name
+t_profile_type=`grep '^t_profile' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+printf "## t_profile_type: \`$t_profile_type'\n"
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+# cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+da=`python -c "print($cm_per_pixel/(.492/3600/180*3.1415926))"`
+dl=`python -c "print($da*(1+$z)**2)"`
+## sbp {{{
+sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ] || [ ! -r "${radius_sbp_file}" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+# mv -f _tmp_rsbp.txt ${radius_sbp_file}
+## sbp }}}
+# determine which temperature profile to be used, and fit the T profile {{{
+if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zyy_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zyy_dump.qdp zyy_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_m0603246 $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp m0603246_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_wang2012_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null | tee wang2012_center_param.txt
+ # mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ cp -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ T_file_center="wang2012_dump_center.qdp"
+ mv -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file_center}
+ mv -fv fit_result.qdp wang2012_fit_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_allen_model $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f allen_dump.qdp allen_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zzl_model $t_data_file $t_param_file
+ # mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zzl_dump.qdp zzl_dump_center.qdp
+ printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n"
+ exit 10
+# temp profile }}}
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc_bolo.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z cfunc_bolo.dat
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+# fit sbp
+$base_path/fit_beta_sbp $sbp_cfg 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv beta_param.txt beta_param_center.txt
+mv -fv sbp_fit.qdp sbp_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.qdp rho_fit_center.qdp
+$base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat $z 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv nfw_param.txt nfw_param_center.txt
+mv -fv nfw_fit_result.qdp nfw_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv nfw_dump.qdp mass_int_center.qdp
+mv -fv overdensity.qdp overdensity_center.qdp
+mv -fv gas_mass_int.qdp gas_mass_int_center.qdp
+## cooling time
+$base_path/cooling_time rho_fit_center.dat ${T_file_center} cfunc_bolo.dat $dl $cm_per_pixel > cooling_time.dat
+## radius to calculate tcool, not the cooling time!
+rcool=`$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c | grep '^r500' | awk -F "=" '{print .048*$2}'`
+## center value {{{
+if [ "${CENTER_VAL}" = "YES" ]; then
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 c
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c
+ exit 0
+## center value }}}
+exit 0
diff --git a/mod_ly/fit_dbeta_nfw_mass_profile.sh b/mod_ly/fit_dbeta_nfw_mass_profile.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..be0404f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/fit_dbeta_nfw_mass_profile.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# modified by LIweitaNux, 2012/09/06
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file> [c]"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+#initialize profile type name
+t_profile_type=`grep '^t_profile' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+printf "## t_profile_type: \`$t_profile_type'\n"
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+# cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+da=`python -c "print($cm_per_pixel/(.492/3600/180*3.1415926))"`
+dl=`python -c "print($da*(1+$z)**2)"`
+printf "da= ${da}\n"
+printf "dl= ${dl}\n"
+## sbp {{{
+sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+# mv -f _tmp_rsbp.txt ${radius_sbp_file}
+## sbp }}}
+# determine which temperature profile to be used, and fit the T profile {{{
+if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zyy_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zyy_dump.qdp zyy_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_m0603246 $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp m0603246_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_wang2012_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null | tee wang2012_center_param.txt
+ # mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ cp -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ T_file_center="wang2012_dump_center.qdp"
+ mv -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file_center}
+ mv -fv fit_result.qdp wang2012_fit_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_allen_model $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f allen_dump.qdp allen_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zzl_model $t_data_file $t_param_file
+ # mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zzl_dump.qdp zzl_dump_center.qdp
+ printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n"
+ exit 10
+# temp profile }}}
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc_bolo.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z cfunc_bolo.dat
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+# fit sbp (double-beta)
+$base_path/fit_dbeta_sbp $sbp_cfg 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv dbeta_param.txt dbeta_param_center.txt
+cat dbeta_param_center.txt
+mv -fv sbp_fit.qdp sbp_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.qdp rho_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.dat rho_fit_center.dat
+$base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat $z 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv nfw_param.txt nfw_param_center.txt
+mv -fv nfw_fit_result.qdp nfw_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv nfw_dump.qdp mass_int_center.qdp
+mv -fv overdensity.qdp overdensity_center.qdp
+mv -fv gas_mass_int.qdp gas_mass_int_center.qdp
+#exit 233
+## cooling time
+$base_path/cooling_time rho_fit_center.dat ${T_file_center} cfunc_bolo.dat $dl $cm_per_pixel > cooling_time.dat
+## radius to calculate tcool, not the cooling time!
+rcool=`$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c | grep '^r500' | awk -F "=" '{print .048*$2}'`
+printf "rcool= ${rcool}\n"
+## center value {{{
+if [ "${CENTER_VAL}" = "YES" ]; then
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 c
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c
+ $base_path/extract_tcool.py $rcool | tee cooling_time_result.txt
+ exit 0
+## center value }}}
+# clean previous files
+rm -f summary_shuffle_mass_profile.qdp
+rm -f summary_overdensity.qdp
+rm -f summary_mass_profile.qdp
+rm -f summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+## count
+#100 times of Monte-carlo simulation to determine error
+#just repeat above steps
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++ Monte Carlo +++++++++++++++++++++\n"
+for i in `seq 1 100`; do
+ # echo $t_data_file
+ $base_path/shuffle_T.py $t_data_file temp_shuffled_t.dat
+ $base_path/shuffle_sbp.py $sbp_data_file temp_shuffled_sbp.dat
+ # t_data_file=temp_shuffled_t.dat
+ if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zyy_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_m0603246 temp_shuffled_t.dat $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_wang2012_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null
+ mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_allen_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zzl_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file
+ mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ else
+ printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n"
+ exit 10
+ fi
+ : > temp_sbp.cfg
+ cat $sbp_cfg | while read l; do
+ if echo $l | grep -q 'sbp_file'; then
+ echo "sbp_file temp_shuffled_sbp.dat" >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ elif echo $l | grep -q 'T_file'; then
+ echo "T_file ${T_file}" >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ else
+ echo $l >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ fi
+ done
+ ## count
+ printf "## ${COUNT} ##\n"
+ COUNT=`expr ${COUNT} + 1`
+ printf "## `pwd` ##\n"
+ $base_path/coolfunc_calc.sh ${T_file} ${abund} ${nh} ${z} ${cfunc_file}
+ # double-beta model
+ $base_path/fit_dbeta_sbp temp_sbp.cfg 2> /dev/null
+ [ -r "dbeta_param.txt" ] && cat dbeta_param.txt
+ $base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat $z 2> /dev/null
+ cat nfw_dump.qdp >> summary_mass_profile.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_mass_profile.qdp
+ cat overdensity.qdp >> summary_overdensity.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_overdensity.qdp
+ cat gas_mass_int.qdp >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+done # end `while'
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++ Monte Carlo +++++++++++++++++++++\n"
+#analys the errors
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++ RESULTS (double-beta) +++++++++++++++\n"
+[ -e "${RESULT}" ] && mv -fv ${RESULT} ${RESULT}_bak
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 1500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 2500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+R200_VAL=`grep '^r200' ${RESULT} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+R500_VAL=`grep '^r500' ${RESULT} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+printf "\n## R200: ${R200_VAL}, R500: ${R500_VAL}\n"
+L200=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200_VAL} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500_VAL} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "L200= ${L200} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+printf "L500= ${L500} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/extract_tcool.py $rcool | tee cooling_time_result.txt
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/fit_dbeta_nfw_mass_profile2.sh b/mod_ly/fit_dbeta_nfw_mass_profile2.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..13a78dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/fit_dbeta_nfw_mass_profile2.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+# modified by LIweitaNux, 2012/09/06
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file> [c]"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+#initialize profile type name
+t_profile_type=`grep '^t_profile' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+printf "## t_profile_type: \`$t_profile_type'\n"
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+# cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+da=`python -c "print($cm_per_pixel/(.492/3600/180*3.1415926))"`
+dl=`python -c "print($da*(1+$z)**2)"`
+printf "da= ${da}\n"
+printf "dl= ${dl}\n"
+## sbp {{{
+sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+# mv -f _tmp_rsbp.txt ${radius_sbp_file}
+## sbp }}}
+# determine which temperature profile to be used, and fit the T profile {{{
+if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zyy_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zyy_dump.qdp zyy_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_m0603246 $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp m0603246_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_wang2012_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null | tee wang2012_center_param.txt
+ # mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ cp -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ T_file_center="wang2012_dump_center.qdp"
+ mv -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file_center}
+ mv -fv fit_result.qdp wang2012_fit_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_allen_model $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f allen_dump.qdp allen_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zzl_model $t_data_file $t_param_file
+ # mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zzl_dump.qdp zzl_dump_center.qdp
+ printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n"
+ exit 10
+# temp profile }}}
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc_bolo.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z cfunc_bolo.dat
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+# fit sbp (double-beta)
+$base_path/fit_dbeta_sbp2 $sbp_cfg 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv dbeta_param.txt dbeta_param_center.txt
+cat dbeta_param_center.txt
+mv -fv sbp_fit.qdp sbp_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.qdp rho_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.dat rho_fit_center.dat
+$base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat $z 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv nfw_param.txt nfw_param_center.txt
+mv -fv nfw_fit_result.qdp nfw_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv nfw_dump.qdp mass_int_center.qdp
+mv -fv overdensity.qdp overdensity_center.qdp
+mv -fv gas_mass_int.qdp gas_mass_int_center.qdp
+#exit 233
+## cooling time
+$base_path/cooling_time rho_fit_center.dat ${T_file_center} cfunc_bolo.dat $dl $cm_per_pixel > cooling_time.dat
+## radius to calculate tcool, not the cooling time!
+rcool=`$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c | grep '^r500' | awk -F "=" '{print .048*$2}'`
+printf "rcool= ${rcool}\n"
+## center value {{{
+if [ "${CENTER_VAL}" = "YES" ]; then
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 c
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c
+ $base_path/extract_tcool.py $rcool | tee cooling_time_result.txt
+ exit 0
+## center value }}}
+# clean previous files
+rm -f summary_shuffle_mass_profile.qdp
+rm -f summary_overdensity.qdp
+rm -f summary_mass_profile.qdp
+rm -f summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+## count
+#100 times of Monte-carlo simulation to determine error
+#just repeat above steps
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++ Monte Carlo +++++++++++++++++++++\n"
+for i in `seq 1 100`; do
+ # echo $t_data_file
+ $base_path/shuffle_T.py $t_data_file temp_shuffled_t.dat
+ $base_path/shuffle_sbp.py $sbp_data_file temp_shuffled_sbp.dat
+ # t_data_file=temp_shuffled_t.dat
+ if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zyy_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_m0603246 temp_shuffled_t.dat $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_wang2012_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null
+ mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_allen_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $cm_per_pixel
+ mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zzl_model temp_shuffled_t.dat $t_param_file
+ mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ else
+ printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n"
+ exit 10
+ fi
+ : > temp_sbp.cfg
+ cat $sbp_cfg | while read l; do
+ if echo $l | grep -q 'sbp_file'; then
+ echo "sbp_file temp_shuffled_sbp.dat" >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ elif echo $l | grep -q 'T_file'; then
+ echo "T_file ${T_file}" >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ else
+ echo $l >> temp_sbp.cfg
+ fi
+ done
+ ## count
+ printf "## ${COUNT} ##\n"
+ COUNT=`expr ${COUNT} + 1`
+ printf "## `pwd` ##\n"
+ $base_path/coolfunc_calc.sh ${T_file} ${abund} ${nh} ${z} ${cfunc_file}
+ # double-beta model
+ $base_path/fit_dbeta_sbp2 temp_sbp.cfg 2> /dev/null
+ [ -r "dbeta_param.txt" ] && cat dbeta_param.txt
+ $base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat $z 2> /dev/null
+ cat nfw_dump.qdp >> summary_mass_profile.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_mass_profile.qdp
+ cat overdensity.qdp >> summary_overdensity.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_overdensity.qdp
+ cat gas_mass_int.qdp >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+ echo "no no no" >> summary_gas_mass_profile.qdp
+done # end `while'
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++ Monte Carlo +++++++++++++++++++++\n"
+#analys the errors
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++ RESULTS (double-beta) +++++++++++++++\n"
+[ -e "${RESULT}" ] && mv -fv ${RESULT} ${RESULT}_bak
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 1500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 2500 | tee -a ${RESULT}
+R200_VAL=`grep '^r200' ${RESULT} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+R500_VAL=`grep '^r500' ${RESULT} | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+printf "\n## R200: ${R200_VAL}, R500: ${R500_VAL}\n"
+L200=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200_VAL} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500_VAL} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "L200= ${L200} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+printf "L500= ${L500} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+$base_path/extract_tcool.py $rcool | tee cooling_time_result.txt
+printf "\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/fit_dbeta_nfw_mass_profile_simple.sh b/mod_ly/fit_dbeta_nfw_mass_profile_simple.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..44999e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/fit_dbeta_nfw_mass_profile_simple.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# modified by LIweitaNux, 2012/09/06
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ cfg_file="$1"
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file> [c]"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+#initialize profile type name
+t_profile_type=`grep '^t_profile' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+printf "## t_profile_type: \`$t_profile_type'\n"
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+# cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+da=`python -c "print($cm_per_pixel/(.492/3600/180*3.1415926))"`
+dl=`python -c "print($da*(1+$z)**2)"`
+## sbp {{{
+sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+# mv -f _tmp_rsbp.txt ${radius_sbp_file}
+## sbp }}}
+# determine which temperature profile to be used, and fit the T profile {{{
+if [ "$t_profile_type" = "zyy" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zyy_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f zyy_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zyy_dump.qdp zyy_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "m0603246" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_m0603246 $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f m0603246_dump.qdp m0603246_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "wang2012" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_wang2012_model $t_data_file $t_param_file $cm_per_pixel 2> /dev/null | tee wang2012_center_param.txt
+ # mv -f wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ cp -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ T_file_center="wang2012_dump_center.qdp"
+ mv -fv wang2012_dump.qdp ${T_file_center}
+ mv -fv fit_result.qdp wang2012_fit_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "allen" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_allen_model $t_data_file $cm_per_pixel
+ # mv -f allen_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f allen_dump.qdp allen_dump_center.qdp
+elif [ "$t_profile_type" = "zzl" ]; then
+ $base_path/fit_zzl_model $t_data_file $t_param_file
+ # mv -f zzl_dump.qdp ${T_file}
+ mv -f zzl_dump.qdp zzl_dump_center.qdp
+ printf "ERROR: temperature profile name \`${t_profile_type}' invalid!\n"
+ exit 10
+# temp profile }}}
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc_bolo.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z cfunc_bolo.dat
+$base_path/coolfunc_calc.sh ${T_file_center} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+# fit sbp (double-beta)
+$base_path/fit_dbeta_sbp $sbp_cfg 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv dbeta_param.txt dbeta_param_center.txt
+mv -fv sbp_fit.qdp sbp_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv rho_fit.qdp rho_fit_center.qdp
+$base_path/fit_nfw_mass mass_int.dat $z 2> /dev/null
+mv -fv nfw_param.txt nfw_param_center.txt
+mv -fv nfw_fit_result.qdp nfw_fit_center.qdp
+mv -fv nfw_dump.qdp mass_int_center.qdp
+mv -fv overdensity.qdp overdensity_center.qdp
+mv -fv gas_mass_int.qdp gas_mass_int_center.qdp
+## cooling time
+$base_path/cooling_time rho_fit_center.dat ${T_file_center} cfunc_bolo.dat $dl $cm_per_pixel > cooling_time.dat
+## radius to calculate tcool, not the cooling time!
+rcool=`$base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c | grep '^r500' | awk -F "=" '{print .048*$2}'`
+## center value {{{
+if [ "${CENTER_VAL}" = "YES" ]; then
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 200 c
+ $base_path/analyze_mass_profile.py 500 c
+ exit 0
+## center value }}}
+exit 0
diff --git a/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4.sh b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..91c94c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file>"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+read -p "R200:" R200
+read -p "R500:" R500
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+## sbp {{{
+#sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+## sbp }}}
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio.txt
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+$base_path/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc.sh ${T_file} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+L200_flux0124=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500_flux0124=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "L200_0.1-2.4= ${L200_flux0124} erg/s\n"
+printf "L500_0.1-2.4= ${L500_flux0124} erg/s\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_check.sh b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_check.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6614446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_check.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file> <R200> <R500>"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+#printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+#printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+#printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+# read -p "R200:" R200
+# read -p "R500:" R500
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+# abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+read -p "> abund: " abund
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+# printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+## sbp {{{
+#sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+## sbp }}}
+[ -e "flux_cnt_ratio.txt" ] && mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio.txt
+[ -e "flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt" ] && mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+$base_path/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc.sh ${T_file} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+L200_flux0124=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500_flux0124=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "L200_0.1-2.4= ${L200_flux0124} erg/s\n"
+printf "L500_0.1-2.4= ${L500_flux0124} erg/s\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_lwt.sh b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_lwt.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..125bfc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_lwt.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file> <R200> <R500>"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+#printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+#printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+#printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+# read -p "R200:" R200
+# read -p "R500:" R500
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+# printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+## sbp {{{
+#sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+## sbp }}}
+[ -e "flux_cnt_ratio.txt" ] && mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio.txt
+[ -e "flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt" ] && mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+$base_path/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc.sh ${T_file} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+L200_flux0124=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500_flux0124=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "L200_0.1-2.4= ${L200_flux0124} erg/s\n"
+printf "L500_0.1-2.4= ${L500_flux0124} erg/s\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_lwt_rs.sh b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_lwt_rs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2e4d7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_lwt_rs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file> <R200> <R500>"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+#printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+#printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+#printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+# read -p "R200:" R200
+# read -p "R500:" R500
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+# printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+## sbp {{{
+#sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+## sbp }}}
+[ -e "flux_cnt_ratio.txt" ] && mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio.txt
+[ -e "flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt" ] && mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+$base_path/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc_rs.sh ${T_file} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+L200_flux0124=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500_flux0124=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "L200_0.1-2.4= ${L200_flux0124} erg/s\n"
+printf "L500_0.1-2.4= ${L500_flux0124} erg/s\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_orig.sh b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_orig.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..531a2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.1-2.4_orig.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file>"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+read -p "R200:" R200
+read -p "R500:" R500
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+## sbp {{{
+#sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio.txt
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+$base_path/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc.sh ${T_file} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+$base_path/coolfunc_0.1-2.4_calc.sh ${T_file} ${abund} ${nh} ${z} ${cfunc_file}
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio.txt
+L200_flux0124=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500_flux0124=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.1-2.4_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "`pwd -P` : \n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+printf "L200_0.1-2.4= ${L200_flux0124} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+printf "L500_0.1-2.4= ${L500_flux0124} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
diff --git a/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2.sh b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f3ed643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file>"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+read -p "R200:" R200
+read -p "R500:" R500
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+## sbp {{{
+#sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+## sbp }}}
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio.txt
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+$base_path/coolfunc_0.5-2_calc.sh ${T_file} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+L200_flux0520=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500_flux0520=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "L200_0.5-2= ${L200_flux0520} erg/s\n"
+printf "L500_0.5-2= ${L500_flux0520} erg/s\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2_lwt.sh b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2_lwt.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8fe5f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2_lwt.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file> <R200> <R500>"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+#printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+#printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+#printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+#read -p "R200:" R200
+#read -p "R500:" R500
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+#printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+## sbp {{{
+#sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+## sbp }}}
+[ -e "flux_cnt_ratio.txt" ] && mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio.txt
+[ -e "flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt" ] && mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+$base_path/coolfunc_0.5-2_calc.sh ${T_file} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+L200_flux0520=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500_flux0520=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "L200_0.5-2= ${L200_flux0520} erg/s\n"
+printf "L500_0.5-2= ${L500_flux0520} erg/s\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2_lwt_rs.sh b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2_lwt_rs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5019013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2_lwt_rs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file> <R200> <R500>"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+#printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+#printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+#printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+#read -p "R200:" R200
+#read -p "R500:" R500
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+#printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+## sbp {{{
+#sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+if [ "x$radius_sbp_file" = "x" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR, must have radius_sbp_file assigned, this file should be a 4-column file, which contains the radius, radius err, sbp, and sbp err"
+ exit 200
+[ -e "${TMP_RSBP}" ] && rm -f ${TMP_RSBP}
+cat ${radius_sbp_file} | sed 's/#.*$//' | grep -Ev '^\s*$' > ${TMP_RSBP}
+## sbp }}}
+[ -e "flux_cnt_ratio.txt" ] && mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio.txt
+[ -e "flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt" ] && mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+$base_path/coolfunc_0.5-2_calc_rs.sh ${T_file} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+L200_flux0520=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500_flux0520=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "L200_0.5-2= ${L200_flux0520} erg/s\n"
+printf "L500_0.5-2= ${L500_flux0520} erg/s\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2_orig.sh b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2_orig.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..228d2c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/luminosity_0.5-2_orig.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:$PATH"
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 <cfg_file>"
+ exit 1
+if ! which xspec > /dev/null; then
+ printf "ERROR: please initialize HEASOFT first\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -z "${HEADAS}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: variable \`HEADAS' not properly set\n"
+ exit 3
+export PGPLOT_FONT="${HEADAS}/lib/grfont.dat"
+printf "## PGPLOT_FONT: \`${PGPLOT_FONT}'\n"
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+printf "## base_path: \`${base_path}'\n"
+printf "## use configuration file: \`${cfg_file}'\n"
+read -p "R200:" R200
+read -p "R500:" R500
+#initialize data file name
+t_data_file=`grep '^t_data_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#t_param_file=`grep '^t_param_file' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize sbp config file
+sbp_cfg=`grep '^sbp_cfg' $cfg_file | awk '{print $2}'`
+#initialize the temperature profile file
+T_file=`grep '^T_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+cfunc_file=`grep '^cfunc_file' ${sbp_cfg} |awk '{print $2}'`
+abund=`grep '^abund' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+nh=`grep '^nh' ${cfg_file} |awk '{print $2}'`
+## calc `cm_per_pixel' instead {{{
+cm_per_pixel=`grep '^cm_per_pixel' $sbp_cfg|awk '{print $2}'`
+z=`grep '^z' $sbp_cfg | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+cm_per_pixel=`${base_path}/calc_distance ${z} | grep 'cm_per_pixel' | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+sed -i'' "s/^cm_per_pixel.*$/cm_per_pixel ${cm_per_pixel}/" ${sbp_cfg}
+printf "## redshift: ${z}, cm_per_pixel: ${cm_per_pixel}\n"
+## cm_per_pixel }}}
+## sbp {{{
+#sbp_data_file=`grep '^sbp_file' $sbp_cfg | awk '{print $2}'`
+radius_sbp_file=`grep '^radius_sbp_file' ${cfg_file} | awk '{print $2}'`
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio.txt
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio_center.txt flux_bolo_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+$base_path/coolfunc_0.5-2_calc.sh ${T_file} $abund $nh $z $cfunc_file
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt
+$base_path/coolfunc_0.5-2_calc.sh ${T_file} ${abund} ${nh} ${z} ${cfunc_file}
+mv -fv flux_cnt_ratio.txt flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio.txt
+L200_flux0520=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R200} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+L500_flux0520=`$base_path/calc_lx $radius_sbp_file flux_0.5-2_cnt_ratio_center.txt $z ${R500} $t_data_file | grep '^Lx' | awk '{ print $2,$3,$4 }'`
+printf "`pwd -P` : \n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+printf "L200_0.5-2= ${L200_flux0520} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
+printf "L500_0.5-2= ${L500_flux0520} erg/s\n" | tee -a ${RESULT}
diff --git a/mod_ly/lx_simple_gxy.sh b/mod_ly/lx_simple_gxy.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7ce581a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/lx_simple_gxy.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+unalias -a
+export LC_COLLATE=C
+# fix path for python
+export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH"
+## calc lx, based on `calc_lx', modified for gxy ##
+## ##
+## LIweitiaNux <liweitianux@gmail.com> ##
+## November 3, 2012 ##
+## usage, `path_conffile' is the configuration file
+## which contains the `path' to each `repro/mass' directory
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ # process dir
+ MDIR="$1"
+elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ # process dir
+ MDIR="$1"
+ # separate log file
+ MAIN_LOG="`pwd -P`/`basename $2`"
+ printf "usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <mass_dir> [ <logfile> ]\n"
+ printf "\nNOTE:\n"
+ printf " script cannot handle \`~' in path\n"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -d "${MDIR}" ]; then
+ printf "## ERROR: given \`${MDIR}' not a directory\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -d "${MAIN_LOG}" ]; then
+ printf "## ERROR: given \`${MAIN_LOG}' IS a file\n"
+ exit 3
+## set the path to the script {{{
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+if [ ! -e "${LX1_SCRIPT}" ] || [ ! -e "${LX2_SCRIPT}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: \`LX_SCRIPT' not exist\n"
+ exit 250
+## script path }}}
+# result lines
+# process
+cd ${MDIR}
+printf "Entered dir: \``pwd`'\n"
+# mass fitting conf
+MCONF="`ls fitting_mass.conf global.cfg 2> /dev/null | head -n 1`"
+if [ ! -r "${MCONF}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: main configuration file not accessiable\n"
+ exit 10
+ printf "## use main configuration file: \`${MCONF}'\n"
+ LOGFILE="lx_gxy_`date '+%Y%m%d%H'`.log"
+ [ -e "${LOGFILE}" ] && mv -fv ${LOGFILE} ${LOGFILE}_bak
+ TOLOG="tee -a ${LOGFILE}"
+ printf "## use logfile: \`${LOGFILE}'\n"
+ if [ ! -z "${MAIN_LOG}" ]; then
+ printf "## separate main logfile: \`${MAIN_LOG}'\n"
+ fi
+ printf "## working directory: \``pwd -P`'\n" | ${TOLOG}
+ printf "## use configuration files: \`${MCONF}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
+ # fitting_mass logfile, get R500 from it
+ MLOG=`ls ${MCONF%.[confgCONFG]*}*.log | tail -n 1`
+ if [ ! -r "${MLOG}" ]; then
+ printf "## ERROR: mass log file not accessiable\n"
+ exit 20
+ fi
+ R500_VAL=`tail -n ${RES_LINE} ${MLOG} | grep '^r500' | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ R200_VAL=`tail -n ${RES_LINE} ${MLOG} | grep '^r200' | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ if [ -z "${R500_VAL}" ] || [ -z "${R200_VAL}" ]; then
+ printf "## ERROR: cannot get R500 or R200\n"
+ exit 30
+ fi
+ printf "## R200 (kpc): \`${R200_VAL}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
+ printf "## R500 (kpc): \`${R500_VAL}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
+ printf "## CMD: ${LX1_SCRIPT} ${MCONF} ${R200_VAL} ${R500_VAL}\n" | ${TOLOG}
+# printf "## CMD: ${LX2_SCRIPT} ${MCONF} ${R200_VAL} ${R500_VAL}\n" | ${TOLOG}
+ sh ${LX1_SCRIPT} ${MCONF} ${R200_VAL} ${R500_VAL} | ${TOLOG}
+# sh ${LX2_SCRIPT} ${MCONF} ${R200_VAL} ${R500_VAL} | ${TOLOG}
+ ## append results to main log file
+ if [ ! -z "${MAIN_LOG}" ]; then
+ printf "\n" >> ${MAIN_LOG}
+ printf "`pwd -P`\n" >> ${MAIN_LOG}
+ grep '^L[25]00' ${LOGFILE} >> ${MAIN_LOG}
+ fi
+printf "\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/lx_simple_gxy_rs.sh b/mod_ly/lx_simple_gxy_rs.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e424f4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/lx_simple_gxy_rs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+unalias -a
+export LC_COLLATE=C
+# fix path for python
+export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH"
+## calc lx, based on `calc_lx', modified for gxy ##
+## ##
+## LIweitiaNux <liweitianux@gmail.com> ##
+## November 3, 2012 ##
+## usage, `path_conffile' is the configuration file
+## which contains the `path' to each `repro/mass' directory
+if [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
+ # process dir
+ MDIR="$1"
+elif [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
+ # process dir
+ MDIR="$1"
+ # separate log file
+ MAIN_LOG="`pwd -P`/`basename $2`"
+ printf "usage:\n"
+ printf " `basename $0` <mass_dir> [ <logfile> ]\n"
+ printf "\nNOTE:\n"
+ printf " script cannot handle \`~' in path\n"
+ exit 1
+if [ ! -d "${MDIR}" ]; then
+ printf "## ERROR: given \`${MDIR}' not a directory\n"
+ exit 2
+if [ -d "${MAIN_LOG}" ]; then
+ printf "## ERROR: given \`${MAIN_LOG}' IS a file\n"
+ exit 3
+## set the path to the script {{{
+if [ "$0" = `basename $0` ]; then
+ script_path=`which $0`
+ base_path=`dirname ${script_path}`
+ base_path=`dirname $0`
+if [ ! -e "${LX1_SCRIPT}" ] || [ ! -e "${LX2_SCRIPT}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: \`LX_SCRIPT' not exist\n"
+ exit 250
+## script path }}}
+# result lines
+# process
+cd ${MDIR}
+printf "Entered dir: \``pwd`'\n"
+# mass fitting conf
+MCONF="`ls fitting_mass.conf global.cfg 2> /dev/null | head -n 1`"
+if [ ! -r "${MCONF}" ]; then
+ printf "ERROR: main configuration file not accessiable\n"
+ exit 10
+ printf "## use main configuration file: \`${MCONF}'\n"
+ LOGFILE="lx_gxy_`date '+%Y%m%d%H'`.log"
+ [ -e "${LOGFILE}" ] && mv -fv ${LOGFILE} ${LOGFILE}_bak
+ TOLOG="tee -a ${LOGFILE}"
+ printf "## use logfile: \`${LOGFILE}'\n"
+ if [ ! -z "${MAIN_LOG}" ]; then
+ printf "## separate main logfile: \`${MAIN_LOG}'\n"
+ fi
+ printf "## working directory: \``pwd -P`'\n" | ${TOLOG}
+ printf "## use configuration files: \`${MCONF}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
+ # fitting_mass logfile, get R500 from it
+ MLOG=`ls ${MCONF%.[confgCONFG]*}*.log | tail -n 1`
+ if [ ! -r "${MLOG}" ]; then
+ printf "## ERROR: mass log file not accessiable\n"
+ exit 20
+ fi
+ R500_VAL=`tail -n ${RES_LINE} ${MLOG} | grep '^r500' | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ R200_VAL=`tail -n ${RES_LINE} ${MLOG} | grep '^r200' | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 }'`
+ if [ -z "${R500_VAL}" ] || [ -z "${R200_VAL}" ]; then
+ printf "## ERROR: cannot get R500 or R200\n"
+ exit 30
+ fi
+ printf "## R200 (kpc): \`${R200_VAL}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
+ printf "## R500 (kpc): \`${R500_VAL}'\n" | ${TOLOG}
+ printf "## CMD: ${LX1_SCRIPT} ${MCONF} ${R200_VAL} ${R500_VAL}\n" | ${TOLOG}
+# printf "## CMD: ${LX2_SCRIPT} ${MCONF} ${R200_VAL} ${R500_VAL}\n" | ${TOLOG}
+ sh ${LX1_SCRIPT} ${MCONF} ${R200_VAL} ${R500_VAL} | ${TOLOG}
+# sh ${LX2_SCRIPT} ${MCONF} ${R200_VAL} ${R500_VAL} | ${TOLOG}
+ ## append results to main log file
+ if [ ! -z "${MAIN_LOG}" ]; then
+ printf "\n" >> ${MAIN_LOG}
+ printf "`pwd -P`\n" >> ${MAIN_LOG}
+ grep '^L[25]00' ${LOGFILE} >> ${MAIN_LOG}
+ fi
+printf "\n++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"
diff --git a/mod_ly/shuffle_T.py b/mod_ly/shuffle_T.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..24e7393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/shuffle_T.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import sys
+import scipy
+for i in open(sys.argv[1]):
+ r,re,c,s=i.strip().split()
+ c=float(c)
+ s=float(s)
+ if c>0 and s>0:
+ c1=-1
+ while c1<=0:
+ c1=scipy.random.normal(0,1)*s+c
+ output_file.write("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n"%(r,re,c1,s))
diff --git a/mod_ly/shuffle_sbp.py b/mod_ly/shuffle_sbp.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..210bfb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mod_ly/shuffle_sbp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+import sys
+import scipy
+for i in open(sys.argv[1]):
+ c,s=i.strip().split()
+ c=float(c)
+ s=float(s)
+ if c>0 and s>0:
+ c1=-1
+ while c1<=0:
+ c1=scipy.random.normal(0,1)*s+c
+ output_file.write("%s\t%s\n"%(c1,s))