path: root/_todo
diff options
authorAaron LI <aaronly.me@gmail.com>2016-01-06 22:59:26 +0800
committerAaron LI <aaronly.me@gmail.com>2016-01-06 22:59:26 +0800
commit25b947edf445a96db335fe285a8b253b214649ff (patch)
tree3f785cdbef303c71111debd067c95a62ea456587 /_todo
parent0ed3373f1c2d47aba769aa67439e05350c2792e9 (diff)
Rename .* => _*; Move out private contents.
Diffstat (limited to '_todo')
2 files changed, 1526 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/_todo/config b/_todo/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a60e513
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_todo/config
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+## todo.txt-cli configuration
+## https://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli
+# Your todo.txt directory
+#export TODO_DIR="/Users/gina/Documents/todo"
+#export TODO_DIR=$(dirname "$0")
+export TODO_DIR="$HOME/.todo"
+# Your todo/done/report.txt locations
+export TODO_FILE="$TODO_DIR/todo.txt"
+export DONE_FILE="$TODO_DIR/done.txt"
+export REPORT_FILE="$TODO_DIR/report.txt"
+# You can customize your actions directory location
+export TODO_ACTIONS_DIR="$HOME/.todo.actions.d"
+# === COLOR MAP ===
+## Text coloring and formatting is done by inserting ANSI escape codes.
+## If you have re-mapped your color codes, or use the todo.txt
+## output in another output system (like Conky), you may need to
+## over-ride by uncommenting and editing these defaults.
+## If you change any of these here, you also need to uncomment
+## the defaults in the COLORS section below. Otherwise, todo.txt
+## will still use the defaults!
+export BLACK='\\033[0;30m'
+export RED='\\033[0;31m'
+export GREEN='\\033[0;32m'
+export BROWN='\\033[0;33m'
+export BLUE='\\033[0;34m'
+export PURPLE='\\033[0;35m'
+export CYAN='\\033[0;36m'
+export LIGHT_GREY='\\033[0;37m'
+export DARK_GREY='\\033[1;30m'
+export LIGHT_RED='\\033[1;31m'
+export LIGHT_GREEN='\\033[1;32m'
+export YELLOW='\\033[1;33m'
+export LIGHT_BLUE='\\033[1;34m'
+export LIGHT_PURPLE='\\033[1;35m'
+export LIGHT_CYAN='\\033[1;36m'
+export WHITE='\\033[1;37m'
+export DEFAULT='\\033[0m'
+# === COLORS ===
+## Uncomment and edit to override these defaults.
+## Reference the constants from the color map above,
+## or use $NONE to disable highlighting.
+# Priorities can be any upper-case letter.
+# A,B,C are highlighted; you can add coloring for more.
+export PRI_A=$YELLOW # color for A priority
+export PRI_B=$GREEN # color for B priority
+export PRI_C=$LIGHT_BLUE # color for C priority
+#export PRI_D=... # define your own
+export PRI_X=$WHITE # color unless explicitly defined
+# There is highlighting for tasks that have been done,
+# but haven't been archived yet.
+# There is highlighting for projects and contexts.
+# === BEHAVIOR ===
+## customize list output
+# TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND will filter after line numbers are
+# inserted, but before colorization, and before hiding of
+# priority, context, and project.
+#export TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND='env LC_COLLATE=C sort -f -k2'
+# Sort by priority, then by number
+export TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND='env LC_COLLATE=C sort -k 2,2 -k 1,1n'
+# TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER will filter list output after colorization,
+# priority hiding, context hiding, and project hiding. That is,
+# just before the list output is displayed.
+# export TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER='cat'
+# vim: set ts=8 sw=4 tw=0 fenc=utf-8 ft=sh: #
diff --git a/_todo/todo.sh b/_todo/todo.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fbd2725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_todo/todo.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,1431 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+# === HEAVY LIFTING ===
+shopt -s extglob extquote
+# NOTE: Todo.sh requires the .todo/config configuration file to run.
+# Place the .todo/config file in your home directory or use the -d option for a custom location.
+version() {
+ cat <<-EndVersion
+ TODO.TXT Command Line Interface v$VERSION
+ First release: 5/11/2006
+ Original conception by: Gina Trapani (http://ginatrapani.org)
+ Contributors: http://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli/network
+ License: GPL, http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
+ More information and mailing list at http://todotxt.com
+ Code repository: http://github.com/ginatrapani/todo.txt-cli/tree/master
+ EndVersion
+ exit 1
+# Set script name and full path early.
+TODO_SH=$(basename "$0")
+oneline_usage="$TODO_SH [-fhpantvV] [-d todo_config] action [task_number] [task_description]"
+ cat <<-EndUsage
+ Usage: $oneline_usage
+ Try '$TODO_SH -h' for more information.
+ EndUsage
+ exit 1
+ cat <<-EndHelp
+ Usage: $oneline_usage
+ Actions:
+ add|a "THING I NEED TO DO +project @context"
+ addto DEST "TEXT TO ADD"
+ append|app ITEM# "TEXT TO APPEND"
+ archive
+ command [ACTIONS]
+ deduplicate
+ del|rm ITEM# [TERM]
+ depri|dp ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...]
+ do ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...]
+ help [ACTION...]
+ list|ls [TERM...]
+ listall|lsa [TERM...]
+ listaddons
+ listcon|lsc [TERM...]
+ listfile|lf [SRC [TERM...]]
+ listpri|lsp [PRIORITIES] [TERM...]
+ listproj|lsprj [TERM...]
+ move|mv ITEM# DEST [SRC]
+ prepend|prep ITEM# "TEXT TO PREPEND"
+ replace ITEM# "UPDATED TODO"
+ report
+ shorthelp
+ Actions can be added and overridden using scripts in the actions
+ directory.
+ EndHelp
+ # Only list the one-line usage from the add-on actions. This assumes that
+ # add-ons use the same usage indentation structure as todo.sh.
+ addonHelp | grep -e '^ Add-on Actions:' -e '^ [[:alpha:]]'
+ cat <<-EndHelpFooter
+ See "help" for more details.
+ EndHelpFooter
+ cat <<-EndOptionsHelp
+ Usage: $oneline_usage
+ Options:
+ -@
+ Hide context names in list output. Use twice to show context
+ names (default).
+ -+
+ Hide project names in list output. Use twice to show project
+ names (default).
+ -c
+ Color mode
+ Use a configuration file other than the default ~/.todo/config
+ -f
+ Forces actions without confirmation or interactive input
+ -h
+ Display a short help message; same as action "shorthelp"
+ -p
+ Plain mode turns off colors
+ -P
+ Hide priority labels in list output. Use twice to show
+ priority labels (default).
+ -a
+ Don't auto-archive tasks automatically on completion
+ -A
+ Auto-archive tasks automatically on completion
+ -n
+ Don't preserve line numbers; automatically remove blank lines
+ on task deletion
+ -N
+ Preserve line numbers
+ -t
+ Prepend the current date to a task automatically
+ when it's added.
+ -T
+ Do not prepend the current date to a task automatically
+ when it's added.
+ -v
+ Verbose mode turns on confirmation messages
+ -vv
+ Extra verbose mode prints some debugging information and
+ additional help text
+ -V
+ Displays version, license and credits
+ -x
+ EndOptionsHelp
+ [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 1 ] && cat <<-'EndVerboseHelp'
+ Environment variables:
+ TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE is same as option -a (0)/-A (1)
+ TODOTXT_FORCE=1 is same as option -f
+ TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS is same as option -n (0)/-N (1)
+ TODOTXT_PLAIN is same as option -p (1)/-c (0)
+ TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD is same as option -t (1)/-T (0)
+ TODOTXT_VERBOSE=1 is same as option -v
+ TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER=1 is same as option -x
+ TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION="" run this when called with no arguments
+ TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND="sort ..." customize list output
+ TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER="sed ..." customize list after color, P@+ hiding
+ TODOTXT_SOURCEVAR=\$DONE_FILE use another source for listcon, listproj
+ EndVerboseHelp
+ actionsHelp
+ addonHelp
+ cat <<-EndActionsHelp
+ Built-in Actions:
+ add "THING I NEED TO DO +project @context"
+ a "THING I NEED TO DO +project @context"
+ Adds THING I NEED TO DO to your todo.txt file on its own line.
+ Project and context notation optional.
+ Quotes optional.
+ addm "FIRST THING I NEED TO DO +project1 @context
+ SECOND THING I NEED TO DO +project2 @context"
+ Adds FIRST THING I NEED TO DO to your todo.txt on its own line and
+ Adds SECOND THING I NEED TO DO to you todo.txt on its own line.
+ Project and context notation optional.
+ addto DEST "TEXT TO ADD"
+ Adds a line of text to any file located in the todo.txt directory.
+ For example, addto inbox.txt "decide about vacation"
+ Adds TEXT TO APPEND to the end of the task on line ITEM#.
+ Quotes optional.
+ archive
+ Moves all done tasks from todo.txt to done.txt and removes blank lines.
+ command [ACTIONS]
+ Runs the remaining arguments using only todo.sh builtins.
+ Will not call any .todo.actions.d scripts.
+ deduplicate
+ Removes duplicate lines from todo.txt.
+ del ITEM# [TERM]
+ rm ITEM# [TERM]
+ Deletes the task on line ITEM# in todo.txt.
+ If TERM specified, deletes only TERM from the task.
+ depri ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...]
+ dp ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...]
+ Deprioritizes (removes the priority) from the task(s)
+ on line ITEM# in todo.txt.
+ do ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...]
+ Marks task(s) on line ITEM# as done in todo.txt.
+ help [ACTION...]
+ Display help about usage, options, built-in and add-on actions,
+ or just the usage help for the passed ACTION(s).
+ list [TERM...]
+ ls [TERM...]
+ Displays all tasks that contain TERM(s) sorted by priority with line
+ numbers. Each task must match all TERM(s) (logical AND); to display
+ tasks that contain any TERM (logical OR), use
+ "TERM1\|TERM2\|..." (with quotes), or TERM1\\\|TERM2 (unquoted).
+ Hides all tasks that contain TERM(s) preceded by a
+ minus sign (i.e. -TERM). If no TERM specified, lists entire todo.txt.
+ listall [TERM...]
+ lsa [TERM...]
+ Displays all the lines in todo.txt AND done.txt that contain TERM(s)
+ sorted by priority with line numbers. Hides all tasks that
+ contain TERM(s) preceded by a minus sign (i.e. -TERM). If no
+ TERM specified, lists entire todo.txt AND done.txt
+ concatenated and sorted.
+ listaddons
+ Lists all added and overridden actions in the actions directory.
+ listcon [TERM...]
+ lsc [TERM...]
+ Lists all the task contexts that start with the @ sign in todo.txt.
+ If TERM specified, considers only tasks that contain TERM(s).
+ listfile [SRC [TERM...]]
+ lf [SRC [TERM...]]
+ Displays all the lines in SRC file located in the todo.txt directory,
+ sorted by priority with line numbers. If TERM specified, lists
+ all lines that contain TERM(s) in SRC file. Hides all tasks that
+ contain TERM(s) preceded by a minus sign (i.e. -TERM).
+ Without any arguments, the names of all text files in the todo.txt
+ directory are listed.
+ listpri [PRIORITIES] [TERM...]
+ lsp [PRIORITIES] [TERM...]
+ Displays all tasks prioritized PRIORITIES.
+ PRIORITIES can be a single one (A) or a range (A-C).
+ If no PRIORITIES specified, lists all prioritized tasks.
+ If TERM specified, lists only prioritized tasks that contain TERM(s).
+ Hides all tasks that contain TERM(s) preceded by a minus sign
+ (i.e. -TERM).
+ listproj [TERM...]
+ lsprj [TERM...]
+ Lists all the projects (terms that start with a + sign) in
+ todo.txt.
+ If TERM specified, considers only tasks that contain TERM(s).
+ move ITEM# DEST [SRC]
+ Moves a line from source text file (SRC) to destination text file (DEST).
+ Both source and destination file must be located in the directory defined
+ in the configuration directory. When SRC is not defined
+ it's by default todo.txt.
+ Adds TEXT TO PREPEND to the beginning of the task on line ITEM#.
+ Quotes optional.
+ Adds PRIORITY to task on line ITEM#. If the task is already
+ prioritized, replaces current priority with new PRIORITY.
+ PRIORITY must be a letter between A and Z.
+ replace ITEM# "UPDATED TODO"
+ Replaces task on line ITEM# with UPDATED TODO.
+ report
+ Adds the number of open tasks and done tasks to report.txt.
+ shorthelp
+ List the one-line usage of all built-in and add-on actions.
+ EndActionsHelp
+ if [ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" ]; then
+ didPrintAddonActionsHeader=
+ for action in "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR"/*
+ do
+ if [ -f "$action" -a -x "$action" ]; then
+ if [ ! "$didPrintAddonActionsHeader" ]; then
+ cat <<-EndAddonActionsHeader
+ Add-on Actions:
+ EndAddonActionsHeader
+ didPrintAddonActionsHeader=1
+ fi
+ "$action" usage
+ elif [ -d "$action" -a -x "$action/$(basename $action)" ]; then
+ if [ ! "$didPrintAddonActionsHeader" ]; then
+ cat <<-EndAddonActionsHeader
+ Add-on Actions:
+ EndAddonActionsHeader
+ didPrintAddonActionsHeader=1
+ fi
+ "$action/$(basename $action)" usage
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ for actionName
+ do
+ action="${TODO_ACTIONS_DIR}/${actionName}"
+ if [ -f "$action" -a -x "$action" ]; then
+ "$action" usage
+ elif [ -d "$action" -a -x "$action/$(basename $action)" ]; then
+ "$action/$(basename $action)" usage
+ else
+ builtinActionUsage=$(actionsHelp | sed -n -e "/^ ${actionName//\//\\/} /,/^\$/p" -e "/^ ${actionName//\//\\/}$/,/^\$/p")
+ if [ "$builtinActionUsage" ]; then
+ echo "$builtinActionUsage"
+ echo
+ else
+ die "TODO: No action \"${actionName}\" exists."
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ case "$1" in
+ help) help;;
+ shorthelp) shorthelp;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ die "$@"
+ echo "$*"
+ exit 1
+ # Parameters: When $1 = "for sed", performs additional escaping for use
+ # in sed substitution with "|" separators.
+ # Precondition: $input contains text to be cleaned.
+ # Postcondition: Modifies $input.
+ # Replace CR and LF with space; tasks always comprise a single line.
+ input=${input//$'\r'/ }
+ input=${input//$'\n'/ }
+ if [ "$1" = "for sed" ]; then
+ # This action uses sed with "|" as the substitution separator, and & as
+ # the matched string; these must be escaped.
+ # Backslashes must be escaped, too, and before the other stuff.
+ input=${input//\\/\\\\}
+ input=${input//|/\\|}
+ input=${input//&/\\&}
+ fi
+ # Parameters: $1: todo file; empty means $TODO_FILE.
+ # Returns: Uppercase FILE prefix to be used in place of "TODO:" where
+ # a different todo file can be specified.
+ local base=$(basename "${1:-$TODO_FILE}")
+ echo "${base%%.[^.]*}" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'
+ # Parameters: $1: task number
+ # $2: Optional todo file
+ # Precondition: $errmsg contains usage message.
+ # Postcondition: $todo contains task text.
+ local item=$1
+ [ -z "$item" ] && die "$errmsg"
+ [ "${item//[0-9]/}" ] && die "$errmsg"
+ todo=$(sed "$item!d" "${2:-$TODO_FILE}")
+ [ -z "$todo" ] && die "$(getPrefix "$2"): No task $item."
+ # Parameters: $1: task number
+ # $2: Optional todo file
+ # Precondition: None.
+ # Postcondition: $newtodo contains task text.
+ local item=$1
+ [ -z "$item" ] && die 'Programming error: $item should exist.'
+ [ "${item//[0-9]/}" ] && die 'Programming error: $item should be numeric.'
+ newtodo=$(sed "$item!d" "${2:-$TODO_FILE}")
+ [ -z "$newtodo" ] && die "$(getPrefix "$2"): No updated task $item."
+ action=$1; shift
+ case "$action" in
+ replace)
+ backref=
+ querytext="Replacement: "
+ ;;
+ prepend)
+ backref=' &'
+ querytext="Prepend: "
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift; item=$1; shift
+ getTodo "$item"
+ if [[ -z "$1" && $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]]; then
+ echo -n "$querytext"
+ read input
+ else
+ input=$*
+ fi
+ # Retrieve existing priority and prepended date
+ local -r priAndDateExpr='^\((.) \)\{0,1\}\([0-9]\{2,4\}-[0-9]\{2\}-[0-9]\{2\} \)\{0,1\}'
+ priority=$(sed -e "$item!d" -e "${item}s/${priAndDateExpr}.*/\\1/" "$TODO_FILE")
+ prepdate=$(sed -e "$item!d" -e "${item}s/${priAndDateExpr}.*/\\2/" "$TODO_FILE")
+ if [ "$prepdate" -a "$action" = "replace" ] && [ "$(echo "$input"|sed -e "s/${priAndDateExpr}.*/\\1\\2/")" ]; then
+ # If the replaced text starts with a [priority +] date, it will replace
+ # the existing date, too.
+ prepdate=
+ fi
+ # Temporarily remove any existing priority and prepended date, perform the
+ # change (replace/prepend) and re-insert the existing priority and prepended
+ # date again.
+ cleaninput "for sed"
+ sed -i.bak -e "$item s/^${priority}${prepdate}//" -e "$item s|^.*|${priority}${prepdate}${input}${backref}|" "$TODO_FILE"
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ getNewtodo "$item"
+ case "$action" in
+ replace)
+ echo "$item $todo"
+ echo "TODO: Replaced task with:"
+ echo "$item $newtodo"
+ ;;
+ prepend)
+ echo "$item $newtodo"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+#Preserving environment variables so they don't get clobbered by the config file
+# Prevent GREP_OPTIONS from malforming grep's output
+while getopts ":fhpcnNaAtTvVx+@Pd:" Option
+ case $Option in
+ '@' )
+ ## HIDE_CONTEXT_NAMES starts at zero (false); increment it to one
+ ## (true) the first time this flag is seen. Each time the flag
+ ## is seen after that, increment it again so that an even
+ ## number shows context names and an odd number hides context
+ ## names.
+ if [ $(( $HIDE_CONTEXT_NAMES % 2 )) -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ ## Zero or even value -- show context names
+ else
+ ## One or odd value -- hide context names
+ export HIDE_CONTEXTS_SUBSTITUTION='[[:space:]]@[[:graph:]]\{1,\}'
+ fi
+ ;;
+ '+' )
+ ## HIDE_PROJECT_NAMES starts at zero (false); increment it to one
+ ## (true) the first time this flag is seen. Each time the flag
+ ## is seen after that, increment it again so that an even
+ ## number shows project names and an odd number hides project
+ ## names.
+ if [ $(( $HIDE_PROJECT_NAMES % 2 )) -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ ## Zero or even value -- show project names
+ else
+ ## One or odd value -- hide project names
+ export HIDE_PROJECTS_SUBSTITUTION='[[:space:]][+][[:graph:]]\{1,\}'
+ fi
+ ;;
+ a )
+ ;;
+ A )
+ ;;
+ c )
+ ;;
+ d )
+ ;;
+ f )
+ ;;
+ h )
+ # Short-circuit option parsing and forward to the action.
+ # Cannot just invoke shorthelp() because we need the configuration
+ # processed to locate the add-on actions directory.
+ set -- '-h' 'shorthelp'
+ ;;
+ n )
+ ;;
+ N )
+ ;;
+ p )
+ ;;
+ P )
+ ## HIDE_PRIORITY_LABELS starts at zero (false); increment it to one
+ ## (true) the first time this flag is seen. Each time the flag
+ ## is seen after that, increment it again so that an even
+ ## number shows priority labels and an odd number hides priority
+ ## labels.
+ if [ $(( $HIDE_PRIORITY_LABELS % 2 )) -eq 0 ]
+ then
+ ## Zero or even value -- show priority labels
+ else
+ ## One or odd value -- hide priority labels
+ export HIDE_PRIORITY_SUBSTITUTION="([A-Z])[[:space:]]"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ t )
+ ;;
+ T )
+ ;;
+ v )
+ : $(( TODOTXT_VERBOSE++ ))
+ ;;
+ V )
+ version
+ ;;
+ x )
+ ;;
+ esac
+shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
+# defaults if not yet defined
+# Export all TODOTXT_* variables
+export ${!TODOTXT_@}
+# Default color map
+export NONE=''
+export BLACK='\\033[0;30m'
+export RED='\\033[0;31m'
+export GREEN='\\033[0;32m'
+export BROWN='\\033[0;33m'
+export BLUE='\\033[0;34m'
+export PURPLE='\\033[0;35m'
+export CYAN='\\033[0;36m'
+export LIGHT_GREY='\\033[0;37m'
+export DARK_GREY='\\033[1;30m'
+export LIGHT_RED='\\033[1;31m'
+export LIGHT_GREEN='\\033[1;32m'
+export YELLOW='\\033[1;33m'
+export LIGHT_BLUE='\\033[1;34m'
+export LIGHT_PURPLE='\\033[1;35m'
+export LIGHT_CYAN='\\033[1;36m'
+export WHITE='\\033[1;37m'
+export DEFAULT='\\033[0m'
+# Default priority->color map.
+export PRI_A=$YELLOW # color for A priority
+export PRI_B=$GREEN # color for B priority
+export PRI_C=$LIGHT_BLUE # color for C priority
+export PRI_X=$WHITE # color unless explicitly defined
+# Default project and context colors.
+# Default highlight colors.
+export COLOR_DONE=$LIGHT_GREY # color for done (but not yet archived) tasks
+# Default sentence delimiters for todo.sh append.
+# If the text to be appended to the task begins with one of these characters, no
+# whitespace is inserted in between. This makes appending to an enumeration
+# (todo.sh add 42 ", foo") syntactically correct.
+[ -e "$TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" ] || {
+ CFG_FILE_ALT="$HOME/todo.cfg"
+ if [ -e "$CFG_FILE_ALT" ]
+ then
+ fi
+[ -e "$TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" ] || {
+ CFG_FILE_ALT="$HOME/.todo.cfg"
+ if [ -e "$CFG_FILE_ALT" ]
+ then
+ fi
+[ -e "$TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" ] || {
+ CFG_FILE_ALT=$(dirname "$0")"/todo.cfg"
+ if [ -e "$CFG_FILE_ALT" ]
+ then
+ fi
+[ -e "$TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" ] || {
+ if [ -e "$CFG_FILE_ALT" ]
+ then
+ fi
+if [ -z "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" -o ! -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" ]
+ TODO_ACTIONS_DIR="$HOME/.todo/actions"
+[ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" ] || {
+ TODO_ACTIONS_DIR_ALT="$HOME/.todo.actions.d"
+ if [ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR_ALT" ]
+ then
+ fi
+# === SANITY CHECKS (thanks Karl!) ===
+[ -r "$TODOTXT_CFG_FILE" ] || dieWithHelp "$1" "Fatal Error: Cannot read configuration file $TODOTXT_CFG_FILE"
+if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_FORCE" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_PLAIN" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_VERBOSE" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_DEFAULT_ACTION" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_SORT_COMMAND" ] ; then
+if [ -n "$OVR_TODOTXT_FINAL_FILTER" ] ; then
+[ -z "$ACTION" ] && usage
+[ -d "$TODO_DIR" ] || mkdir -p $TODO_DIR 2> /dev/null || dieWithHelp "$1" "Fatal Error: $TODO_DIR is not a directory"
+( cd "$TODO_DIR" ) || dieWithHelp "$1" "Fatal Error: Unable to cd to $TODO_DIR"
+[ -f "$TODO_FILE" -o -c "$TODO_FILE" ] || > "$TODO_FILE"
+[ -f "$DONE_FILE" -o -c "$DONE_FILE" ] || > "$DONE_FILE"
+[ -f "$REPORT_FILE" -o -c "$REPORT_FILE" ] || > "$REPORT_FILE"
+if [ $TODOTXT_PLAIN = 1 ]; then
+ for clr in ${!PRI_@}; do
+ export $clr=$NONE
+ done
+_addto() {
+ file="$1"
+ input="$2"
+ cleaninput
+ if [[ $TODOTXT_DATE_ON_ADD = 1 ]]; then
+ now=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')
+ input=$(echo "$input" | sed -e 's/^\(([A-Z]) \)\{0,1\}/\1'"$now /")
+ fi
+ echo "$input" >> "$file"
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ TASKNUM=$(sed -n '$ =' "$file")
+ echo "$TASKNUM $input"
+ echo "$(getPrefix "$file"): $TASKNUM added."
+ fi
+ typeset -r qq=\'; printf %s\\n "'${1//\'/${qq}\\${qq}${qq}}'";
+ filter=${1:-}
+ shift
+ post_filter=${1:-}
+ shift
+ for search_term
+ do
+ ## See if the first character of $search_term is a dash
+ if [ "${search_term:0:1}" != '-' ]
+ then
+ ## First character isn't a dash: hide lines that don't match
+ ## this $search_term
+ filter="${filter:-}${filter:+ | }grep -i $(shellquote "$search_term")"
+ else
+ ## First character is a dash: hide lines that match this
+ ## $search_term
+ #
+ ## Remove the first character (-) before adding to our filter command
+ filter="${filter:-}${filter:+ | }grep -v -i $(shellquote "${search_term:1}")"
+ fi
+ done
+ [ -n "$post_filter" ] && {
+ filter="${filter:-}${filter:+ | }${post_filter:-}"
+ }
+ printf %s "$filter"
+_list() {
+ local FILE="$1"
+ ## If the file starts with a "/" use absolute path. Otherwise,
+ ## try to find it in either $TODO_DIR or using a relative path
+ if [ "${1:0:1}" == / ]; then
+ ## Absolute path
+ src="$FILE"
+ elif [ -f "$TODO_DIR/$FILE" ]; then
+ ## Path relative to todo.sh directory
+ src="$TODO_DIR/$FILE"
+ elif [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
+ ## Path relative to current working directory
+ src="$FILE"
+ elif [ -f "$TODO_DIR/${FILE}.txt" ]; then
+ ## Path relative to todo.sh directory, missing file extension
+ src="$TODO_DIR/${FILE}.txt"
+ else
+ die "TODO: File $FILE does not exist."
+ fi
+ ## Get our search arguments, if any
+ shift ## was file name, new $1 is first search term
+ _format "$src" '' "$@"
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "--"
+ echo "$(getPrefix "$src"): ${NUMTASKS:-0} of ${TOTALTASKS:-0} tasks shown"
+ fi
+ ## We need one level of padding for each power of 10 $LINES uses.
+ LINES=$(sed -n '$ =' "${1:-$TODO_FILE}")
+ printf %s ${#LINES}
+ # Parameters: $1: todo input file; when empty formats stdin
+ # $2: ITEM# number width; if empty auto-detects from $1 / $TODO_FILE.
+ # Precondition: None
+ # Postcondition: $NUMTASKS and $TOTALTASKS contain statistics (unless $TODOTXT_VERBOSE=0).
+ FILE=$1
+ shift
+ ## Figure out how much padding we need to use, unless this was passed to us.
+ PADDING=${1:-$(getPadding "$FILE")}
+ shift
+ ## Number the file, then run the filter command,
+ ## then sort and mangle output some more
+ if [[ $TODOTXT_DISABLE_FILTER = 1 ]]; then
+ fi
+ items=$(
+ if [ "$FILE" ]; then
+ sed = "$FILE"
+ else
+ sed =
+ fi \
+ | sed -e '''
+ N
+ s/^/ /
+ s/ *\([ 0-9]\{'"$PADDING"',\}\)\n/\1 /
+ /^[ 0-9]\{1,\} *$/d
+ '''
+ )
+ ## Build and apply the filter.
+ filter_command=$(filtercommand "${pre_filter_command:-}" "${post_filter_command:-}" "$@")
+ if [ "${filter_command}" ]; then
+ filtered_items=$(echo -n "$items" | eval "${filter_command}")
+ else
+ filtered_items=$items
+ fi
+ filtered_items=$(
+ echo -n "$filtered_items" \
+ | sed '''
+ s/^ /00000/;
+ s/^ /0000/;
+ s/^ /000/;
+ s/^ /00/;
+ s/^ /0/;
+ ''' \
+ | awk '''
+ function highlight(colorVar, color) {
+ color = ENVIRON[colorVar]
+ gsub(/\\+033/, "\033", color)
+ return color
+ }
+ {
+ clr = ""
+ if (match($0, /^[0-9]+ x /)) {
+ clr = highlight("COLOR_DONE")
+ } else if (match($0, /^[0-9]+ \([A-Z]\) /)) {
+ clr = highlight("PRI_" substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH - 3, 1))
+ clr = (clr ? clr : highlight("PRI_X"))
+ $0 = substr($0, 1, RLENGTH - 4) substr($0, RSTART + RLENGTH)
+ }
+ }
+ end_clr = (clr ? highlight("DEFAULT") : "")
+ prj_beg = highlight("COLOR_PROJECT")
+ prj_end = (prj_beg ? (highlight("DEFAULT") clr) : "")
+ ctx_beg = highlight("COLOR_CONTEXT")
+ ctx_end = (ctx_beg ? (highlight("DEFAULT") clr) : "")
+ gsub(/[ \t][ \t]*/, "\n&\n")
+ len = split($0, words, /\n/)
+ printf "%s", clr
+ for (i = 1; i <= len; ++i) {
+ if (words[i] ~ /^[+].*[A-Za-z0-9_]$/) {
+ printf "%s", prj_beg words[i] prj_end
+ } else if (words[i] ~ /^[@].*[A-Za-z0-9_]$/) {
+ printf "%s", ctx_beg words[i] ctx_end
+ } else {
+ printf "%s", words[i]
+ }
+ }
+ printf "%s\n", end_clr
+ }
+ ''' \
+ | sed '''
+ ''' \
+ )
+ [ "$filtered_items" ] && echo "$filtered_items"
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ NUMTASKS=$( echo -n "$filtered_items" | sed -n '$ =' )
+ TOTALTASKS=$( echo -n "$items" | sed -n '$ =' )
+ fi
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 1 ]; then
+ echo "TODO DEBUG: Filter Command was: ${filter_command:-cat}"
+ fi
+ sigil=$1
+ shift
+ eval "$(filtercommand 'cat "${FILE[@]}"' '' "$@")" | grep -o "[^ ]*${sigil}[^ ]\\+" | grep "^$sigil" | sort -u
+export -f cleaninput getPrefix getTodo getNewtodo shellquote filtercommand _list listWordsWithSigil getPadding _format die
+action=$( printf "%s\n" "$ACTION" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' )
+## If the first argument is "command", run the rest of the arguments
+## using todo.sh builtins.
+## Else, run a actions script with the name of the command if it exists
+## or fallback to using a builtin
+if [ "$action" == command ]
+ ## Get rid of "command" from arguments list
+ shift
+ ## Reset action to new first argument
+ action=$( printf "%s\n" "$1" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' )
+elif [ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR/$action" -a -x "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR/$action/$action" ]
+ "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR/$action/$action" "$@"
+ exit $?
+elif [ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" -a -x "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR/$action" ]
+ "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR/$action" "$@"
+ exit $?
+## Only run if $action isn't found in .todo.actions.d
+case $action in
+"add" | "a")
+ if [[ -z "$2" && $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]]; then
+ echo -n "Add: "
+ read input
+ else
+ [ -z "$2" ] && die "usage: $TODO_SH add \"TODO ITEM\""
+ shift
+ input=$*
+ fi
+ _addto "$TODO_FILE" "$input"
+ ;;
+ if [[ -z "$2" && $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]]; then
+ echo -n "Add: "
+ read input
+ else
+ [ -z "$2" ] && die "usage: $TODO_SH addm \"TODO ITEM\""
+ shift
+ input=$*
+ fi
+ # Set Internal Field Seperator as newline so we can
+ # loop across multiple lines
+ IFS=$'\n'
+ # Treat each line seperately
+ for line in $input ; do
+ _addto "$TODO_FILE" "$line"
+ done
+ ;;
+"addto" )
+ [ -z "$2" ] && die "usage: $TODO_SH addto DEST \"TODO ITEM\""
+ dest="$TODO_DIR/$2"
+ [ -z "$3" ] && die "usage: $TODO_SH addto DEST \"TODO ITEM\""
+ shift
+ shift
+ input=$*
+ if [ -f "$dest" ]; then
+ _addto "$dest" "$input"
+ else
+ die "TODO: Destination file $dest does not exist."
+ fi
+ ;;
+"append" | "app" )
+ errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH append ITEM# \"TEXT TO APPEND\""
+ shift; item=$1; shift
+ getTodo "$item"
+ if [[ -z "$1" && $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]]; then
+ echo -n "Append: "
+ read input
+ else
+ input=$*
+ fi
+ case "$input" in
+ [$SENTENCE_DELIMITERS]*) appendspace=;;
+ *) appendspace=" ";;
+ esac
+ cleaninput "for sed"
+ if sed -i.bak $item" s|^.*|&${appendspace}${input}|" "$TODO_FILE"; then
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ getNewtodo "$item"
+ echo "$item $newtodo"
+ fi
+ else
+ die "TODO: Error appending task $item."
+ fi
+ ;;
+"archive" )
+ # defragment blank lines
+ sed -i.bak -e '/./!d' "$TODO_FILE"
+ [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && grep "^x " "$TODO_FILE"
+ grep "^x " "$TODO_FILE" >> "$DONE_FILE"
+ sed -i.bak '/^x /d' "$TODO_FILE"
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "TODO: $TODO_FILE archived."
+ fi
+ ;;
+"del" | "rm" )
+ # replace deleted line with a blank line when TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS is 1
+ errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH del ITEM# [TERM]"
+ item=$2
+ getTodo "$item"
+ if [ -z "$3" ]; then
+ if [ $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]; then
+ echo "Delete '$todo'? (y/n)"
+ read ANSWER
+ else
+ ANSWER="y"
+ fi
+ if [ "$ANSWER" = "y" ]; then
+ # delete line (changes line numbers)
+ sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^.*//" -e '/./!d' "$TODO_FILE"
+ else
+ # leave blank line behind (preserves line numbers)
+ sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^.*//" "$TODO_FILE"
+ fi
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "$item $todo"
+ echo "TODO: $item deleted."
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "TODO: No tasks were deleted."
+ fi
+ else
+ sed -i.bak \
+ -e $item"s/^\((.) \)\{0,1\} *$3 */\1/g" \
+ -e $item"s/ *$3 *\$//g" \
+ -e $item"s/ *$3 */ /g" \
+ -e $item"s/ *$3 */ /g" \
+ -e $item"s/$3//g" \
+ getNewtodo "$item"
+ if [ "$todo" = "$newtodo" ]; then
+ [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "$item $todo"
+ die "TODO: '$3' not found; no removal done."
+ fi
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "$item $todo"
+ echo "TODO: Removed '$3' from task."
+ echo "$item $newtodo"
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+"depri" | "dp" )
+ errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH depri ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...]"
+ shift;
+ [ $# -eq 0 ] && die "$errmsg"
+ # Split multiple depri's, if comma separated change to whitespace separated
+ # Loop the 'depri' function for each item
+ for item in ${*//,/ }; do
+ getTodo "$item"
+ if [[ "$todo" = \(?\)\ * ]]; then
+ sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^(.) //" "$TODO_FILE"
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ getNewtodo "$item"
+ echo "$item $newtodo"
+ echo "TODO: $item deprioritized."
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "TODO: $item is not prioritized."
+ fi
+ done
+ ;;
+"do" )
+ errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH do ITEM#[, ITEM#, ITEM#, ...]"
+ # shift so we get arguments to the do request
+ shift;
+ [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && die "$errmsg"
+ # Split multiple do's, if comma separated change to whitespace separated
+ # Loop the 'do' function for each item
+ for item in ${*//,/ }; do
+ getTodo "$item"
+ # Check if this item has already been done
+ if [ "${todo:0:2}" != "x " ]; then
+ now=$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')
+ # remove priority once item is done
+ sed -i.bak $item"s/^(.) //" "$TODO_FILE"
+ sed -i.bak $item"s|^|x $now |" "$TODO_FILE"
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ getNewtodo "$item"
+ echo "$item $newtodo"
+ echo "TODO: $item marked as done."
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "TODO: $item is already marked done."
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ $TODOTXT_AUTO_ARCHIVE = 1 ]; then
+ # Recursively invoke the script to allow overriding of the archive
+ # action.
+ "$TODO_FULL_SH" archive
+ fi
+ ;;
+"help" )
+ shift ## Was help; new $1 is first help topic / action name
+ if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
+ # Don't use PAGER here; we don't expect much usage output from one / few actions.
+ actionUsage "$@"
+ else
+ if [ -t 1 ] ; then # STDOUT is a TTY
+ if which "${PAGER:-less}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # we have a working PAGER (or less as a default)
+ help | "${PAGER:-less}" && exit 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ help # just in case something failed above, we go ahead and just spew to STDOUT
+ fi
+ ;;
+"shorthelp" )
+ if [ -t 1 ] ; then # STDOUT is a TTY
+ if which "${PAGER:-less}" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ # we have a working PAGER (or less as a default)
+ shorthelp | "${PAGER:-less}" && exit 0
+ fi
+ fi
+ shorthelp # just in case something failed above, we go ahead and just spew to STDOUT
+ ;;
+"list" | "ls" )
+ shift ## Was ls; new $1 is first search term
+ _list "$TODO_FILE" "$@"
+ ;;
+"listall" | "lsa" )
+ shift ## Was lsa; new $1 is first search term
+ TOTAL=$( sed -n '$ =' "$TODO_FILE" )
+ post_filter_command="${post_filter_command:-}${post_filter_command:+ | }awk -v TOTAL=$TOTAL -v PADDING=$PADDING '{ \$1 = sprintf(\"%\" PADDING \"d\", (\$1 > TOTAL ? 0 : \$1)); print }' "
+ cat "$TODO_FILE" "$DONE_FILE" | TODOTXT_VERBOSE=0 _format '' "$PADDING" "$@"
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ TDONE=$( sed -n '$ =' "$DONE_FILE" )
+ TASKNUM=$(TODOTXT_PLAIN=1 TODOTXT_VERBOSE=0 _format "$TODO_FILE" 1 "$@" | sed -n '$ =')
+ DONENUM=$(TODOTXT_PLAIN=1 TODOTXT_VERBOSE=0 _format "$DONE_FILE" 1 "$@" | sed -n '$ =')
+ echo "--"
+ echo "$(getPrefix "$TODO_FILE"): ${TASKNUM:-0} of ${TOTAL:-0} tasks shown"
+ echo "$(getPrefix "$DONE_FILE"): ${DONENUM:-0} of ${TDONE:-0} tasks shown"
+ echo "total $((TASKNUM + DONENUM)) of $((TOTAL + TDONE)) tasks shown"
+ fi
+ ;;
+"listfile" | "lf" )
+ shift ## Was listfile, next $1 is file name
+ if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "Files in the todo.txt directory:"
+ cd "$TODO_DIR" && ls -1 *.txt
+ else
+ FILE="$1"
+ shift ## Was filename; next $1 is first search term
+ _list "$FILE" "$@"
+ fi
+ ;;
+"listcon" | "lsc" )
+ shift
+ listWordsWithSigil '@' "$@"
+ ;;
+"listproj" | "lsprj" )
+ shift
+ listWordsWithSigil '+' "$@"
+ ;;
+"listpri" | "lsp" )
+ shift ## was "listpri", new $1 is priority to list or first TERM
+ pri=$(printf "%s\n" "$1" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | grep -e '^[A-Z]$' -e '^[A-Z]-[A-Z]$') && shift || pri="A-Z"
+ post_filter_command="${post_filter_command:-}${post_filter_command:+ | }grep '^ *[0-9]\+ ([${pri}]) '"
+ _list "$TODO_FILE" "$@"
+ ;;
+"move" | "mv" )
+ # replace moved line with a blank line when TODOTXT_PRESERVE_LINE_NUMBERS is 1
+ errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH mv ITEM# DEST [SRC]"
+ item=$2
+ dest="$TODO_DIR/$3"
+ src="$TODO_DIR/$4"
+ [ -z "$4" ] && src="$TODO_FILE"
+ [ -z "$dest" ] && die "$errmsg"
+ [ -f "$src" ] || die "TODO: Source file $src does not exist."
+ [ -f "$dest" ] || die "TODO: Destination file $dest does not exist."
+ getTodo "$item" "$src"
+ [ -z "$todo" ] && die "$item: No such item in $src."
+ if [ $TODOTXT_FORCE = 0 ]; then
+ echo "Move '$todo' from $src to $dest? (y/n)"
+ read ANSWER
+ else
+ ANSWER="y"
+ fi
+ if [ "$ANSWER" = "y" ]; then
+ # delete line (changes line numbers)
+ sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^.*//" -e '/./!d' "$src"
+ else
+ # leave blank line behind (preserves line numbers)
+ sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^.*//" "$src"
+ fi
+ echo "$todo" >> "$dest"
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ echo "$item $todo"
+ echo "TODO: $item moved from '$src' to '$dest'."
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "TODO: No tasks moved."
+ fi
+ ;;
+"prepend" | "prep" )
+ errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH prepend ITEM# \"TEXT TO PREPEND\""
+ replaceOrPrepend 'prepend' "$@"
+ ;;
+"pri" | "p" )
+ item=$2
+ newpri=$( printf "%s\n" "$3" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' )
+ errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH pri ITEM# PRIORITY
+note: PRIORITY must be anywhere from A to Z."
+ [ "$#" -ne 3 ] && die "$errmsg"
+ [[ "$newpri" = @([A-Z]) ]] || die "$errmsg"
+ getTodo "$item"
+ oldpri=
+ if [[ "$todo" = \(?\)\ * ]]; then
+ oldpri=${todo:1:1}
+ fi
+ if [ "$oldpri" != "$newpri" ]; then
+ sed -i.bak -e $item"s/^(.) //" -e $item"s/^/($newpri) /" "$TODO_FILE"
+ fi
+ if [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ]; then
+ getNewtodo "$item"
+ echo "$item $newtodo"
+ if [ "$oldpri" != "$newpri" ]; then
+ if [ "$oldpri" ]; then
+ echo "TODO: $item re-prioritized from ($oldpri) to ($newpri)."
+ else
+ echo "TODO: $item prioritized ($newpri)."
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ "$oldpri" = "$newpri" ]; then
+ echo "TODO: $item already prioritized ($newpri)."
+ fi
+ ;;
+"replace" )
+ errmsg="usage: $TODO_SH replace ITEM# \"UPDATED ITEM\""
+ replaceOrPrepend 'replace' "$@"
+ ;;
+"report" )
+ # archive first
+ # Recursively invoke the script to allow overriding of the archive
+ # action.
+ "$TODO_FULL_SH" archive
+ TOTAL=$( sed -n '$ =' "$TODO_FILE" )
+ TDONE=$( sed -n '$ =' "$DONE_FILE" )
+ NEWDATA="${TOTAL:-0} ${TDONE:-0}"
+ LASTREPORT=$(sed -ne '$p' "$REPORT_FILE")
+ LASTDATA=${LASTREPORT#* } # Strip timestamp.
+ if [ "$LASTDATA" = "$NEWDATA" ]; then
+ echo "$LASTREPORT"
+ [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "TODO: Report file is up-to-date."
+ else
+ NEWREPORT="$(date +%Y-%m-%dT%T) ${NEWDATA}"
+ echo "${NEWREPORT}" >> "$REPORT_FILE"
+ echo "${NEWREPORT}"
+ [ $TODOTXT_VERBOSE -gt 0 ] && echo "TODO: Report file updated."
+ fi
+ ;;
+"deduplicate" )
+ deduplicateSedCommand='d'
+ else
+ deduplicateSedCommand='s/^.*//; p'
+ fi
+ # To determine the difference when deduplicated lines are preserved, only
+ # non-empty lines must be counted.
+ originalTaskNum=$( sed -e '/./!d' "$TODO_FILE" | sed -n '$ =' )
+ # Look for duplicate lines and discard the second occurrence.
+ # We start with an empty hold space on the first line. For each line:
+ # G - appends newline + hold space to the pattern space
+ # s/\n/&&/; - double up the first new line so we catch adjacent dups
+ # /^\([^\n]*\n\).*\n\1/b dedup
+ # If the first line of the hold space shows up again later as an
+ # entire line, it's a duplicate. Jump to the "dedup" label, where
+ # either of the following is executed, depending on whether empty
+ # lines should be preserved:
+ # d - Delete the current pattern space, quit this line and
+ # move on to the next, or:
+ # s/^.*//; p - Clear the task text, print this line and move on to
+ # the next.
+ # s/\n//; - else (no duplicate), drop the doubled newline
+ # h; - replace the hold space with the expanded pattern space
+ # P; - print up to the first newline (that is, the input line)
+ # b - end processing of the current line
+ sed -i.bak -n \
+ -e 'G; s/\n/&&/; /^\([^\n]*\n\).*\n\1/b dedup' \
+ -e 's/\n//; h; P; b' \
+ -e ':dedup' \
+ -e "$deduplicateSedCommand" \
+ newTaskNum=$( sed -e '/./!d' "$TODO_FILE" | sed -n '$ =' )
+ deduplicateNum=$(( originalTaskNum - newTaskNum ))
+ if [ $deduplicateNum -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo "TODO: No duplicate tasks found"
+ else
+ echo "TODO: $deduplicateNum duplicate task(s) removed"
+ fi
+ ;;
+"listaddons" )
+ if [ -d "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" ]; then
+ cd "$TODO_ACTIONS_DIR" || exit $?
+ for action in *
+ do
+ if [ -f "$action" -a -x "$action" ]; then
+ echo "$action"
+ elif [ -d "$action" -a -x "$action/$action" ]; then
+ echo "$action"
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ ;;
+* )
+ usage;;