path: root/docs
diff options
authorAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2016-11-26 18:17:38 +0800
committerAaron LI <aaronly.me@outlook.com>2016-11-26 18:17:38 +0800
commit99dd6ecea98dc539519a418a6005415f629eafa4 (patch)
tree3a0e57fa6ce959f82ff236b099ba7568ad888cfb /docs
parentad7958cf5e7d4eae9e8fb10b67578d8db1e3a7f0 (diff)
docs: Add the detailed example configuration file
Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 333 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/fg21sim.conf.example b/docs/fg21sim.conf.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1f964e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/fg21sim.conf.example
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+# Example configuration file for "fg21sim"
+# -*- mode: conf -*-
+# Syntax: `ConfigObj`, https://github.com/DiffSK/configobj
+# This file contains all the configuration options accepted by "fg21sim",
+# which control the simulation parameters, inputs data and outputs products,
+# as well as some general behaviors.
+# Some options already have a default value been set in the bundled
+# configuration specifications, which will be further described below with
+# their default values and be commented out.
+# However, there is not a sensible default value for other options,
+# therefore, users should explicitly set their values before carrying out
+# the simulations. These options are also explained in details below, and
+# marked with "REQUIRED".
+# NOTE:
+# - The input templates for simulations should be HEALPix full-sky maps.
+# - The input catalog should be in CSV format.
+# Common/general configurations for the simulation
+# HEALPix Nside value, i.e., pixel resolution
+# NOTE: also update "lmax" below.
+#nside = 1024
+# Range of multipole monents (l) of the angular power spectrum.
+# The power spectrum will be cut off to a constant for multipole l < lmin.
+# Generally, lmax = 3 * nside - 1
+#lmin = 10
+#lmax = 3071
+# List of foreground components to be simulated:
+# + galactic/synchrotron:
+# Diffuse Galactic synchrotron emission (unpolarized)
+# + galactic/freefree:
+# Diffuse Galactic free-free emission
+# + galactic/snr:
+# Galactic supernova remnants emission
+# + extragalactic/clusters:
+# Extragalactic clusters of galaxies emission
+# + extragalactic/pointsources:
+# Emission from multiple types of extragalactic point sources
+# NOTE: This component is not well integrated and tested at the moment
+# NOTE:
+# If only one component is enabled, do NOT omit the trailing comma ","
+# e.g., components = "galaxies/synchrotron",
+#components = "galactic/synchrotron", "galactic/freefree", "galactic/snr", "extragalactic/clusters"
+# Frequencies specification of the simulation products
+# Unit of the frequency value
+#unit = "MHz"
+# How to specify the frequencies
+# + custom:
+# directly specify the frequency values using the "frequencies" config
+# + calc:
+# calculate the frequency values by "start", "stop", and "step"
+#type = "custom"
+# The frequency values to be simulated if above "type" is "custom".
+# [REQUIRED: if "frequency/type" = "custom"]
+#frequencies =
+# Parameters to calculate the frequencies
+# start and stop frequency value (both inclusive)
+# [REQUIRED: if "frequency/type" = "calc"]
+#start =
+#stop =
+#step =
+# Configuration for output products
+# Unit of the sky map pixel value
+#unit = "K"
+# Use single-precision float instead of double (also save spaces)
+#use_float = True
+# Filetype used to store the products (default: fits)
+#filetype = "fits"
+# Filename pattern (without extension) for the output products, which will
+# be finally formatted using `str.format()`.
+#filename_pattern = "{prefix}_{frequency:05.1f}"
+# Whether calculate the checksum for the output file (e.g., "CHECKSUM"
+# keyword in FITS header)?
+# NOTE:
+# FITS checksum calculation may account for half the time to output the data.
+#checksum = False
+# Whether overwrite existing files
+#clobber = False
+# Whether combine all components and output
+#combine = True
+# Prefix for the combined files
+#combine_prefix = "fg"
+# Output directory to place the combined products
+# NOTE: This config is mandatory and should be provided by the user
+# if above "combine=True".
+# [REQUIRED: if "output/combine" = True]
+#output_dir =
+# Filename of the simulation products manifest (JSON format)
+#manifest = "products_manifest.json"
+# Cosmological parameters
+# Hubble constant at z=0 [ km/s/Mpc ]
+#H0 = 71.0
+# Density of non-relativistic matter in units of the critical density at z=0
+#OmegaM0 = 0.27
+# Configurations for initialization/reconfiguration of the `logging` module
+# DEBUG: Detailed information, typically of interest only when diagnosing
+# problems.
+# INFO: Confirmation that things are working as expected.
+# WARNING: An dinciation that something unexpected happended, or indicative
+# of some problem in the near future (e.g., "disk space low").
+# The software is still working as expected.
+# ERROR: Due to a more serious problem, the software has not been able to
+# perform some function.
+# CRITICAL: A serious error, indicating that the program itself may be unable
+# to continue running.
+#level = "DEBUG"
+# Set the format of displayed messages
+#format = "%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] <%(name)s> %(message)s"
+# Set the date/time format in messages
+#datefmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
+# Set the logging filename (will create a `FileHandler`)
+# If set to "" (empty string), then the `FileHandler` will be disabled.
+#filename = ""
+# Whether append messages to the above logging file instead of overwrite
+#appendmode = True
+# Set the stream used to initialize the `StreamHandler`
+# If set to "" (empty string), then the `StreamHandler` will be disabled.
+#stream = "stderr"
+# Options corresponding the Galactic emission components, which currently
+# includes the following components:
+# - synchrotron : Galactic synchrotron emission (unpolarized)
+# - freefree : Galactic free-free emission
+# - snr : Galactic supernovae remnants
+ # Synchrotron emission component (unpolarized)
+ [[synchrotron]]
+ # The template map for the simulation.
+ #template =
+ # The frequency of the template map (same unit as in [frequency] section)
+ #template_freq =
+ # The unit of the template map pixel
+ #template_unit =
+ # Spectral index map
+ #indexmap =
+ # Whether add fluctuations on the small scales
+ #add_smallscales = True
+ # Filename prefix for this component
+ #prefix = "gsync"
+ # Whether save this component to disk
+ #save = True
+ # Output directory to save the simulated results
+ # [REQUIRED: if "galactic/synchrotron/save" = True]
+ #output_dir =
+ # Free-free bremsstrahlung emission component
+ [[freefree]]
+ # The H{\alpha} map used as the free-free emission template
+ #halphamap =
+ # The unit of the H{\alpha} template (e.g., "Rayleigh")
+ #halphamap_unit =
+ # The 100-{\mu}m dust map used for dust absorption correction
+ #dustmap =
+ # The unit of the above dust map (e.g., "MJy/sr")
+ #dustmap_unit =
+ # Filename prefix for this component
+ #prefix = "gfree"
+ # Whether save this component to disk
+ #save = True
+ # Output directory to save the simulated results
+ # [REQUIRED: if "galactic/freefree/save" = True]
+ #output_dir =
+ # Supernova remnants emission
+ [[snr]]
+ # The Galactic SNRs catalog data (CSV file)
+ #catalog =
+ # Output the effective/inuse SNRs catalog data (CSV file)
+ # NOTE: if not specified, then do not save the effective/inuse catalog
+ #catalog_outfile =
+ # Resolution (unit: arcmin) for simulating each SNR, which are finally
+ # mapped to the HEALPix map of Nside specified in "[common]" section.
+ #resolution = 1.0
+ # Filename prefix for this component
+ #prefix = "gsnr"
+ # Whether save this component to disk
+ #save = True
+ # Output directory to save the simulated results
+ # [REQUIRED: if "galactic/snr/save" = True]
+ #output_dir =
+# Options corresponding the extragalactic emission components, which
+# currently includes the following components:
+# - clusters : clusters of galaxies
+# - pointsources : multiple types of discrete point sources
+ # Emissions from the clusters of galaxies
+ [[clusters]]
+ # The clusters catalog derived from the Hubble Volume Project (CSV file)
+ #catalog =
+ # Output the effective/inuse clusters catalog data (CSV file)
+ # NOTE: if not specified, then do not save the effective/inuse catalog
+ #catalog_outfile =
+ # The fraction that a cluster hosts a radio halo
+ #halo_fraction =
+ # Resolution (unit: arcmin) for simulating each cluster, which are finally
+ # mapped to the HEALPix map of Nside specified in "[common]" section.
+ #resolution = 0.5
+ # Filename prefix for this component
+ #prefix = "egcluster"
+ # Whether save this component to disk
+ #save = True
+ # Output directory to save the simulated results
+ # [REQUIRED: if "extragalactic/clusters/save" = True]
+ #output_dir =
+ # Extragalactic point sources
+ [[pointsources]]
+ # Whether save this point source catelogue to disk
+ #save = True
+ # Output directory to save the simulated catelogues
+ #output_dir = "PS_tables"
+ # PS components to be simulated
+ #pscomponents =
+ # Resolution [arcmin]
+ #resolution = 0.6
+ # Star forming
+ [[[starforming]]]
+ # Number of samples
+ #numps = 1000
+ # Prefix
+ #prefix = "SF"
+ [[[starbursting]]]
+ # Number of samples
+ #numps = 1000
+ # Prefix
+ #prefix = "SB"
+ [[[radioquiet]]]
+ # Number of samples
+ #numps = 1000
+ # Prefix
+ #prefix = "RQ"
+ [[[FRI]]]
+ # Number of samples
+ #numps = 1000
+ # Prefix
+ #prefix = "FRI"
+ [[[FRII]]]
+ # Number of samples
+ #numps = 1000
+ # Prefix
+ #prefix = "FRII"