diff options
authorAaron LI <>2016-06-28 13:17:16 +0800
committerAaron LI <>2016-06-28 13:17:16 +0800
commit05c140ff75607b33f0ac25c06c593df1fcdbe07d (patch)
parent7b2628eb9516574d0537cbd100372d523fba7d24 (diff)
downloadcexcess-05c140ff75607b33f0ac25c06c593df1fcdbe07d.tar.bz2 remove obsolete class "DeprojectSBP" and some cleanups
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 244 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 8cbc6b5..3dd5a44 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
# Change logs:
# 2016-06-27:
+# * Minor cleanups
+# * Remove obsolete class "DeprojectSBP"
# * Fit smoothing spline to SBP and cooling function profiles by
# calling the R `mgcv::gam()`: "fit_spline()" and "eval_spline()"
# * Update "plot()" to also plot the fitted smoothing spline
@@ -161,8 +163,6 @@ from collections import OrderedDict
import astropy.units as au
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
-import scipy.optimize as optimize
-import scipy.interpolate as interpolate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
@@ -173,247 +173,11 @@ from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
from astro_params import AstroParams, ChandraPixel
from projection import Projection
-from fitting_models import ABModel, PLCModel
+from fitting_models import PLCModel"ggplot")
-class DeprojectSBP:
- """
- Deproject the observed SBP to derive the 3D emission measure (EM)
- profile, using a regularization technique.
- * add 'mask' support
- * implement 'optimize_lbd()'
- References: ref.[1]
- """
- # input SBP data: [r, r_err, s, s_err]
- r = None
- r_err = None
- s = None
- s_err = None
- # mask used to exclude specified data point for cross-validation
- mask = None
- # 'Projection' instance for this SBP
- projector = None
- # 'ABModel' instance to fit the deprojected EM profile for rescaling data
- abmodel = None
- # smoothing parameter to balance between fidelity (chisq) and
- # consistency with the applied regularization constraint.
- lbd = 1.0
- # optimization method for scipy minimize
- opt_method = "Powell"
- # scipy optimize results from 'self.deproject()'
- deproject_res = None
- def __init__(self, r, r_err=None, s=None, s_err=None,
- lbd=1.0, opt_method="Powell"):
- self.load_data(r=r, r_err=r_err, s=s, s_err=s_err)
- self.projector = Projection(rout=self.r+self.r_err)
- self.abmodel = ABModel(scale=True)
- self.lbd = lbd
- self.opt_method = opt_method
- def load_data(self, r, r_err=None, s=None, s_err=None):
- if r.ndim == 2 and r.shape[1] == 4:
- # 4-column data
- self.r = r[:, 0].copy()
- self.r_err = r[:, 1].copy()
- self.s = r[:, 2].copy()
- self.s_err = r[:, 3].copy()
- else:
- self.r = np.array(r)
- self.r_err = np.array(r_err)
- self.s = np.array(s)
- self.s_err = np.array(s_err)
- self.mask = np.ones(self.r.shape, dtype=np.bool)
- def deproject(self):
- """
- Deproject the observed SBP through direct deprojection
- calculation.
- """
- self.em = self.projector.deproject(self.s)
- return self.em
- def deproject_regularize(self, lbd=None, opt_method=None):
- """
- Deproject the observed SBP to derive the 3D EM profile by
- minimizing the objective function with regularization technique.
- XXX:
- Since we just deproject the observed SBP without considering
- the PSF convolution effect, the 3D EM profile can be just solved,
- therefore, there is no need (also no way) to optimize the
- smoothing parameter 'lambda'.
- """
- def fobj(x):
- return self.f_objective(x, scaled=True)
- def callback(x):
- # NOTE: 'x' here is the scaled EM solution
- x_unscaled = self.unscale_data(x)
- self.update_abmodel(x_unscaled)
- if lbd is not None:
- self.lbd = lbd
- if opt_method is None:
- opt_method = self.opt_method
- # initial guess
- em0 = self.projector.deproject(self.s)
- # scale the EM data to reduce the dynamical range
- em0_scaled = self.scale_data(em0, update_params=True)
- res = optimize.minimize(fun=fobj, x0=em0_scaled,
- method=opt_method,
- callback=callback,
- options={"disp": True})
- self.deproject_res = res
- self.em = self.unscale_data(res.x)
- return self.em
- def update_abmodel(self, x, xerr=None, update_params=False):
- """
- Load the supplied data into self.abmodel, and perform fitting.
- If the errors/uncertainties is not specified, it is assumed
- to have the same relative errors as the observed SBP.
- """
- if xerr is None:
- x_err = x * self.s_err / self.s
- self.abmodel.load_data(xdata=self.r, xerr=self.r_err,
- ydata=x, yerr=x_err,
- update_params=update_params)
- def scale_data(self, x, xerr=None, update_params=False):
- """
- Scale the data (i.e., 3D EM profile) by dividing the fitted
- AB model.
- If the errors/uncertainties is not specified, it is assumed
- to have the same relative errors as the observed SBP.
- """
- self.update_abmodel(x=x, xerr=xerr, update_params=update_params)
- x_fitted = self.abmodel.f(self.r)
- x_scaled = x / x_fitted
- return x_scaled
- def unscale_data(self, x):
- """
- Undo the data scaling by multiplying the same fitted model
- previously used to scale the data.
- """
- x_fitted = self.abmodel.f(self.r)
- x_unscaled = x * x_fitted
- return x_unscaled
- def f_objective(self, x, scaled=False):
- """
- The objective function to be minimized, in order to derive the
- best solution (i.e., deprojected SBP) for the observed SBP.
- This objective function is a combination of plain chi-squared
- and a regularization constraint.
- 'lbd' is the parameter to balance the goodness-of-fit and the
- regularization constraint.
- References: ref.[1], eq.(2)
- """
- return (self.f_chisq(x, scaled=scaled) +
- self.lbd * self.f_constraint(x, scaled=scaled))
- def f_residual(self, x, scaled=False):
- """
- Calculate the residuals of each data point for the solution.
- The current solution (i.e., 3D EM profile) is first projected
- into the 2D SBP, then compared to the observed SBP.
- """
- if scaled:
- x = self.unscale_data(x)
- x_2d = self.projector.project(x)
- residuals = (x_2d - self.s) / self.s_err
- return residuals
- def f_chisq(self, x, scaled=False):
- """
- Function to calculate the chi-squared value of the current
- solution with respect to the data.
- """
- chisq = np.sum(self.f_residual(x, scaled=scaled) ** 2)
- return chisq
- def f_constraint(self, x, scaled=False):
- """
- Function to calculate the value of regularization constraint.
- References:
- [1] ref.[1], eq.(3)
- [2] ref.[3], eq.(18)
- """
- if not scaled:
- x = self.scale_data(x)
- # constraint = np.sum((x[:-1] + x[1:]) ** 2)
- constraint = np.sum((x[:-2] - 2*x[1:-1] + x[2:]) ** 2)
- return constraint
- def optimize_lbd(self, lbd0=None):
- """
- Find the optimal smoothing parameter 'lbd' by using the
- cross-validation method.
- References: ref.[3], eq.(23)
- """
- if lbd0 is not None:
- self.lbd = lbd0
- pass
- def predict_obs(self):
- """
- Predict the observation data (i.e., surface brightness) by
- projecting the interpolated solved EM profile.
- """
- pass
- def plot(self, ax=None, fig=None):
- if ax is None:
- fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
- # SBP data points
- eb = ax.errorbar(self.r, self.s, xerr=self.r_err, yerr=self.s_err,
- fmt="none", elinewidth=2, capthick=2,
- label="Brightness profile")
- r_min = 1.0
- r_max = max(self.r + self.r_err)
- s_min = min(self.s) / 1.2
- s_max = max(self.s + self.s_err) * 1.2
- ax.set_xlim(r_min, r_max)
- ax.set_ylim(s_min, s_max)
- ax.set_xscale("log")
- ax.set_yscale("log")
- ax.set_xlabel("Radius (%s)" % "pixel")
- ax.set_ylabel(r"Surface Brightness (photons/cm$^2$/pixel$^2$/s)")
- # deprojected EM profile
- ax2 = ax.twinx()
- line, = ax2.plot(self.r, self.em, color="black",
- linestyle="solid", linewidth=2,
- label="EM profile")
- em_min = min(self.em) / 1.2
- em_max = max(self.em) * 1.2
- ax2.set_xlim(r_min, r_max)
- ax2.set_ylim(em_min, em_max)
- ax2.set_yscale(ax.get_yscale())
- ax2.set_ylabel(r"Deprojected Emission Measure (???)")
- # legend
- handles = [eb, line]
- labels = [h.get_label() for h in handles]
- ax.legend(handles=handles, labels=labels, loc=0)
- fig.tight_layout()
- return (fig, ax, ax2)
class SBP:
X-ray surface brightness profile class.
@@ -622,9 +386,6 @@ class SBP:
df.to_csv(outfile, header=True, index=False)
class BrightnessProfile:
Calculate the electron number density and/or gas mass density profile
@@ -929,8 +690,6 @@ def main():
sbp.plot(ax=ax, fig=fig)
fig.savefig(config["sbpexp_image"], dpi=150)
- # TODO: smooth the extrapolated SBP
print("SBP deprojection -> density profile ...")
redshift = config.as_float("redshift")
cf_data = np.loadtxt(config["coolfunc_profile"])